IB Physics-Theme A Space and motion-Paper 1- part#4

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- A student measure the length and width w of a rectangular table top.
What is the absolute uncertainty of the perimeter of the table top?
- The minute hand of a clock hanging on a vertical wall has length t = 30cm. The minute hand is observed pointing at 12 and then again 30 minutes later when the minute hand is pointing at 6. What is the average velocity and average speed of point P on the minute hand during this
time interval?
3. A block rests on a rough horizontal plane. A force P is applied to the block and the block moves to the right. There is a coefficient of friction pro giving rise to a frictional force F between the block and the plane. The force P is doubled. Will Mue d and F be unchanged or greater?
4. A projectile is launched at an angle above the horizontal with a horizontal component of velocity Vn and a vertical component of velocity V". Air resistance is negligible. Which graphs show the variation with time of Vn and of V,?

5. A person with a weight of 600 N stands on a scale in an elevator. What is the acceleration sf the elevator when the scale reads 900N?
6. Two identical blocks, each of mass m and speed v, travel towards each other on a frictionless surface. The blocks undergo a head-on collision. What is definitely true immediately after the collision?
7. The graph shows the variation with distance of a horizontal force acting on an object. The object, initially at rest, moves horizontally through a distance of 50 m. A constant frictional force of 2.0 N opposes the motion. What is the final kinetic energy of the object after it has moved 50m?
8. An object is thrown upwards. The graph shows the variation with time t of
the velocity v of the object. What is the total displacement at a time of 1.5 s, measured from the point of release?
9. An elevator (lift) and its load have a total mass of 750 kg and accelerate
vertically downwards at 2.0 m s . What is the tension in the elevator cable?
10. . A ball of mass 0.2 kg strikes a force sensor and sticks to it. Just before
impact the ball is travelling horizontally at a speed of 4.0 m s . The graph
shows the variation with time t of the force F recorded by the sensor. What is F ?
11. A horizontal spring of spring constant k and negligible mass is
compressed through a distance y from its equilibrium length. An object of
mass m that moves on a frictionless surface is placed at the end of the spring. The spring is released and returns to its equilibrium length. What is the speed of the object just after it leaves the spring?
12. A block of mass 1.0 kg rests on a trolley of mass 4.0 kg. The coefficient of dynamic friction between the block and the trolley is 0.30.
A horizontal force F = 5.0 N acts on the block. The block slides over the trolley. What is the acceleration of the trolley?
13. . Masses X and Y rest on a smooth horizontal surface and are connected by a massless spring. The mass of X is 3.0 kg and the mass of Y is 6.0 kg. The masses are pushed toward each other until the elastic potential energy stored in the spring is 1.0 The masses are released. What is the maximum speed reached by mass Y?
14. A cyclist rides up a hill of vertical height 100 m in 500 s at a constant
speed. The combined mass of the cyclist and the bicycle is 80 kg. The power
developed by the cyclist is 200 W. What is the efficiency of the energy transfer in
this system?
Topic 2 Mechanics-Paper #1
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