How to Take Smart Notes and Save Time to Score Highest in Exams | Note Taking Tips | ChetChat Study

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How to Take Smart Notes and Save Time to Score Highest in Exams | Note Taking Tips | ChetChat Study Tips - Chetna Vasishth. The truth is that , while everyone tells us to study, no one teaches us HOW to study The reality is that smart note taking techniques will help you get your work down quickly and leave you with enough free time to lead a balanced life.
So, in today’s video we will talk about
1. how to take smart notes to save time and have the highest output.
2. We will talk about whether you should take notes on a laptop vs notebook,
3. how to make the best notes in class -
4. in both theory subjects and numerical based subjects and finally
5. how to make notes from your textbook AND
6. some special time saving tips.
Full transcript of the video is available here -
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Host – Chetna Vasishth
Facebook - @chetchat101
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#ChetChat #Notes #HowToMakeNotes #StudyTips #HowtoTakeNotes #ScoreHighestinExams
how to take notes,study tips,note taking methods,note taking tips,how to study,how to take notes effectively,how to take smart notes,how to make notes,how to prepare notes,how to make smart notes,how to make good notes,how to take notes for exams,how to take notes to save time,how toppers make notes,notes kaise banaye,study notes,chetchat,chetchat study tips,chetchat notes tips,how to take neat notes,motivational,score highest in exams
So, in today’s video we will talk about
1. how to take smart notes to save time and have the highest output.
2. We will talk about whether you should take notes on a laptop vs notebook,
3. how to make the best notes in class -
4. in both theory subjects and numerical based subjects and finally
5. how to make notes from your textbook AND
6. some special time saving tips.
Full transcript of the video is available here -
Missed my previous videos, catch them here -
Hang out with me here
Host – Chetna Vasishth
Facebook - @chetchat101
Instagram @chetchat101
Twitter @chetchat101
#ChetChat #Notes #HowToMakeNotes #StudyTips #HowtoTakeNotes #ScoreHighestinExams
how to take notes,study tips,note taking methods,note taking tips,how to study,how to take notes effectively,how to take smart notes,how to make notes,how to prepare notes,how to make smart notes,how to make good notes,how to take notes for exams,how to take notes to save time,how toppers make notes,notes kaise banaye,study notes,chetchat,chetchat study tips,chetchat notes tips,how to take neat notes,motivational,score highest in exams