Top 5 books on Islamic Finance

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What are the top 5 must-have Islamic finance books on your bookshelf?

00:00 Top 5 books on Islamic Finance
01:26 An Introduction to Islamic Finance
03:55 AAOIFI Shariah Standards
06:18 Financial Transactions in Islamic Jurisprudence
07:59 Economic Concepts of Ibn Taymiyyah
11:00 Understanding Islamic Finance


#IslamicFinance #books
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Thanks for watching. I would really want to know what are some of your favourite books on Islamic finance, economy and business in general.


I am a Christian and I am grateful for these learnings.


Mufti Taqi Usmani is a dua of our elders, he himself came from an influential family his father of grand Mufti of Darul uloom Deoband, then after creation of Pakistan he migrated to Pakistan as he supported Pakistan, then established Pakistani chapter of Darul uloom Deoband which is Darul uloom Karachi where Mufti Taqi Usmani studied


Jazaka'llahul kher!
May you get your rewards both in dunia and the hereafter.


Wonderful bro Almir Colan ... May Allah bless you for every effort you put to clarify and educate muslims and non muslims about Islamic finance topic and business ... I wish you have millions of subscribers ...


people should open up to islamic finance, conventional banking sucks.


Our Economy by Muhammed Bakr Al-Sadr was one of the most important book in islamic economy. It was used as a basis point to build most of the banking systems in the Gulf; particularly in Kuwait. I am surprised that you did not mention this book... lol


Assalomu alaikum, thaks a lot for this video, i was searching books about Islamic finance. Now i got information which i need. Please do not stop creating that kind of videos. May Allah bless you.


Jazakallah khair for introducing these books to us.
I don't think there's enough exposure of Islamic financial books especially on the topic of riba which is quite sad. It will be really useful for those who really want to handle money in a halal way.


If you know turkish or arabic, I heard that the Ottoman Majallah is good. It was the law in the Ottoman empire. It contains financial/economical laws, too.
There is a well known commentary on it from Ali Haydar Efendi, who was a jurist at that time.


Convey message of Islam to all people of the world and to everyone who will come also convey message of Islam to all world leaders


Alhumdullillah! Among these five books, two are written by Pakistani scholar, third, The Economics understanding of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah is written by Indian Scholar, fourth book, The Sharia Standards, is also a joint contribution by Pakistani Ullama. Only Sheikh Wahiba Al-Zahili book is from an Arab Scholar, which is in fact an extract of his Fiqh related book, Fiqh Islami wa Adillah, Buyu part... Thank you Professor for sharing this list. Jazak Allah khyr


Lovely work Mr. Colan

I am sure you have passed by “Our Economy” or "اقتصادنا"for sayyid Mohammad Baker Al Sader

This work surely needs a series to dissect it thoroughly.



Man and money- one of very good readers, recommended by dr israr


We can learn from our history that sincerety is an important aspect of Islamic finance or economics. Not like in capitalism, to take every opportunity to make money.

A short story about a woman who wants to sell a dress to Imam Abu Hanifa:

Imâm al-'Azam asked a woman, who had brought him a silk dress to buy, the price of his merchandise.
The woman said: "It is a hundred dirhams, O Imâm!" and he objected:
"No, it is worth more..." he said.

The woman increased the price by a hundred dirhams in astonishment. Imâm al-'Azam again refused. The woman increased the price by another hundred dirhams, then another hundred dirhams...

Imâm al-'Azam said:"No, this is worth more than four hundred dirhams."

She said: "O Imâm! Are you mocking me?"

Then the Imām sent for someone who knew the business to tell the woman the real price of her property. He set the price of the garment at five hundred dirhams and the Imām bought it at that price.

Because he knew that leaving the truthfulness, hiding the defects and flaws of the goods, especially not paying attention to the measurement and weighing, would lead people to very sad consequences in the Hereafter.

This sensitivity of Imam al-'Azam is a clear manifestation of his zeal in following the path of the Messenger of Allah (sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sallam) and his distinguished companions.


Jazakallah Khair thank you for the list of books, I have been looking for primary source and knowledge from Islamic thinkers.


One of the best books ever in Islamic finance are books from CIMA Diploma in Islamic finance


جزاكم الله خيرا و تقبل الله جهودكم وبارك فيكم.


This should be know by people as a general subject


thanks, ive been trying to find good books on this topic
