Archangel Michael's July PREDICTIONS, What's Coming and What We Get to Do! Michael Sandler

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Archangel Michael has powerful words for July, AND what's coming next. In this channeled co-creation, you'll hear from Archnagel Michael predictions for July, and what we get to do to positively change our course!

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#InspireNation #MichaelSandler
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✍ Automatic Writing 101 – Tues, July 16th, 2024 👉Turn your journaling into channeling!

I'm launching a new Angel Numbers course this Spring! Get Notified first when it goes live!


This awakening is challenging me on every level possible.


I am a 24 year Survivor of walking away with my 2 children from a narcissistic marriage verbal abusive after 14 years i crashed and had the strength to run away there is no easy button but the universe always seemed to have my back 🪽💕 thankful and blessed everyday


I needed to hear this. Your right. Actually, I have no fear about politics or anything else. I have cut the puppet strings to outside events. The real challenge is that everybody around me is tied up in knots with fear. Fear about politics, war, economy everything else. I don't watch the news, I will watch the first two minutes when the headlines are presented. Then I turn it off. History repeats itself. I'm sure there were similar fears and concerns in ancient Egypt. Only a few people have found the secret of creating heaven in the middle of hell. I guess my biggest challenge is that people around me are twisted by fear, people I love. It's a challenge to stay at peace when everyone around you is falling apart. I was in the middle of hurricane Ian. It came, lasted awhile and then past and the skys were sunny again. Thank you so much for this profound talk.


I wish I could join the school of mystics, but I am unemployed and cannot afford it. But, will be looking for my chance to finally join in the near future. For now, I am self taught. Gotten rid of all my phobias, forgiven everyone that ever done me wrong. Cut all those anchors loose. Recently learned to channel love ones for my wife. Sometimes I believe God gave me the abilities to self teach myself, because he knew during time of awakening, he knew I would be in this situation. And he supplied the tools by giving me these YouTube channels. This channel. Man, another great message 😁


Omg! She was soo working it tonight! What a bright light little Hanna Bear is! Michael you're pretty cool too


It’s uncanny that this is the second video of IN that I have viewed and Mr.Micheal is talking about the weather and storms. I live in Quebec and nearby a mountain range myself. From our backyard and the views of the mountains, I always sit outside and watch the storms coming over the mountains. The wind picks up, the temperature drops, the moment of silence (no wind, no sounds) and then you see the wall of rain approaching and the mountains disappear. It’s always a beautiful sight to see. I have been teaching my son to not just pay attention to what he sees, but to feel it in his body. It’s very refreshing. Last night we had the clouds coming from 5 different directions and clashing together above us, all the 50 shades of grey crashing into each other. It was very spectacular and breathtaking. Our neighbours had also noticed as they were also sitting outside on their porches witnessing this amazing scene. I have never seen them do this before. It was like everyone just stopped doing what they were doing and observed this extraordinary moment. While taking this all in, I thanked Mother Earth for showing us her emotions and her power.


I’m at total peace! I know the great things coming our way! And knowing the plan, it’s easy to observe and know what part of the plan, or movie we are at! Well, we are at the credits! And we win!! How blessed we are to be here! 🥰💗🙏


This video is beyond excellent. Words can't describe how wonderful it is. Brings tears to my eyes.
Bless you and your family.


Praying for a woman who went missing at a yoga instrucors retreat in Bahamas. Taylor Casey's phone was found in the water. Beware of retreats in foreign countries. 🙏⚕️💙💜🙏


I'm not afraid at all. I've been waiting for this moment my entire life. ❤


For a while now I've been being told, just stay in the eye of the storm. Let the chaos rage all around you, but stay in the stillness and peace of the eye of the storm, and the chaos cannot affect you.


Watching Hana Bear has been an inspiration!
Bless Mama Bear, and you for keeping The Inner Child alive within us!


So adorable your baby and your interaction with hear. Love it!


Daniel tiger was one of the puppets on Mr Rogers. He was so sweet


Hi Michael! Love your shows! Love your family! I’m from Canada but live in Atlanta…agree to focus on the wonderful world around me! Off alcohol, exercising more, all is well in the south, no need to suffer, nothing is going wrong in my life and those around me, observing with love ❤ thank you for all you do, enjoy Quebec☀️


Thank you, Michael! You radiate great energy. I've been watching you since the beginning of Inspire Nation. Thank you Michael, Jessica, Hana, Miraku, and all of your family, associates, and friends.


I'm usually available for the live and wasn't this time, that being said I'm grateful to still be able to watch. ❤❤❤ Love all the love you bring and your wise words, the way you look at life, is heavenly! Heaven on Earth. Thank you and the team for all your hard work! ❤❤❤


Thank you Hannah for all that loving frequency’s!!! My 🩵


Thank you, Michael. This session is exactly what I needed. I will shift my focus from the storms/disasters/news for a bit so I am not in this perpetual anxious and fearful state. Will tap into my inner natural state of love, calm and peace. Blessings to you, Jessica and Hanna Bear! She is Her Cuteness! ❤️🤗 🙏🏽🙏🏽
