Coffee Lover Tries Emma Chamberlain Coffee

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So much drama around Chamberlain Coffee! Huge rip off and total scam? Or completely worth it and truly premium coffee?

I had to try for myself. So I’m testing Chamberlain Coffee vs Steeped Coffee and Tiny Footprint Coffee to determine whether it’s worth the premium price.

I start off reviewing the claims made by Emma Chamberlain’s Coffee brand. I’ll explain what the claims actually mean so you understand the product and value you’re getting. I follow with the same claims evaluation for two competing products: Steeped Coffee and Tiny Footprint whole bean coffee.

I then move on to a blind taste test of Chamberlain Coffee, Steeped Coffee, and Tiny Footprint. I discuss the aroma and taste if each coffee. Then I let you know which was my favorite.

0:20 Background on Chamberlain Coffee drama (aka: "it's a rip off")
0:45 Agenda for video: Chamberlain Coffee vs Steeped Coffee vs Tiny Footprint Coffee - claims analysis and blind taste test
1:19 Chamberlain Coffee Overview - Ordering Process, Delivery Delays
2:18 Chamberlain Coffee Claims Analysis
4:20 Steeped Coffee Intro
4:26 Is Chamberlain Coffee just repackaged Steeped Coffee?
4:50 Steeped Coffee Overview - Ordering Process, Delivery
5:20 Steeped Coffee Claims Analysis
7:03 Tiny Footprint Coffee Overview
7:30 Tiny Footprint Coffee Claims Analysis
8:47 Coffee Tasting
9:14 How to Brew Chamberlain Coffee / How to Brew Steeped Coffee
10:05 Tasting Notes: Chamberlain Coffee Tasting Notes / Steeped Coffee Tasting Notes / Tiny Footprint Coffee Tasting Notes
10:40 How to Taste Coffee - Epicurious Pricepoints
10:56 Slurping Coffee
13:12 Sipping Coffee
14:07 Blind Taste Test Guesses
14:50 Blind Taste Test Results
15:54 Is Chamberlain Coffee Worth the Price?

Tags: #EmmaChamberlain #ChamberlainCoffee #CoffeeReview
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for this video! I’m always amazed by the extremely detailed, well-researched information you relay, and present in such a comprehensive way. You really break it down and make it easy for us to understand (throughout all your videos). I’m always learning through your videos. Thank you for doing adequate research so that you’re well-informed. I honestly can’t believe that you’re not at 1M+ subs 🤷🏻‍♀️ congratulations you’re almost at 1K! Thank you for your consistency and effort :)))


The end of the video mentioned cold brew was $6 for 8 ounces, but when she makes her cold brew with 3 bags she uses 600 ml, which is around 20 ounces or 2.5 cups. Also, the price of shipping would have to be added in. The first time I bought 5 bags the shipping was free, but when I went to buy 5 bags again, it cost $3.


I hope your channel blows up, you put so much effort on your videos!


You were a YouTube rabbit hole for me from Bon Appetite! Glad I stayed in the hole 😂


you know its a good channel when your watching a coffee taste test but you only drink tea lol!


What’s your price limit for a cup of coffee? Would you buy the Chamberlain Coffee?


If you want to go down a coffee rabbit hole, see if you can watch Dangerous Grounds, which ran for two seasons. The guy is a coffee hunter, and my husband buys from his roaster, La Colombe. Hearing you talk about shade-grown coffee reminded me of his edict that you’ll find coffee in the shade of banana trees. I think it’s great your roaster sells by the pound, which is very hard to find these days. I don’t necessarily know great coffee, but I know bad coffee. Finally, thank you for sharing your sense of humor with that clip. 🤣


Edit to add" Steeped may have also patented the idea and she is essentially paying them to use the same idea. So she is making the coffee in a separate factory as Steeped, but she is crediting them on the bag because the whole "steeped coffee" was patented by them. Not sure which of the two scenarios it is, but its clearly one or the other....(the other scenario I mention next). Steeped coffee could be Chamberlain may have outsourced to her and yes, of course it will be more expensive as she has to make some profit from it. If she charged the same amount as the normal "steeped" coffee then there would be no profit for her as she has to pay out them as actually they prob pay her out whats they are a mostly "silent" partner it seems like. They have their advertising on the bag, but she isn't required to mention them in her video promoting her isn't all that uncommon in the celebrity world. I ordered Emmas cofee and I must say I was disappointed in how burnt it smelled (clearly it was over roasted in the roasting process) so at least my batch was ruined by over roasting. I have ordered Steeped coffee to see if it also has that burnt smell/taste like hers did or not.


This is such an informative video and I love it!


Traveling...bring ground coffee and an Aeropress. Use the Aeropress at home as well and master your skills. So easy and SO affordable.


Thank you for this video, it was very well done! I don't drink coffee or know anything about it, but your explanation was informative, detailed and easy to digest. I learned a lot! I also loved that you compared it to other coffees, made a blind tasting and said your favourite before you checked if your guesses were correct! I doubted that Chamberlain would be good coffee because yt influencer products are usually a bit sketchy, but your test convinced me. Still not gonna buy it because I don't drink coffee, but now I can rest easy knowing that it's good.


Very interesting, and I don’t even drink coffee!


Americans: this coffee has no flavor there for it's good!
