Mountain Bike en Cáceres - Monfragüe y Valle del Jerte
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Te invito a una nueva aventura que transcurrirá en la provincia de Cáceres, concretamente en el Parque Nacional de Monfragüe y El Valle del Jerte. Tal vez para muchos es todavía una zona desconocida en lo que al ciclismo se refiere. Su potencial es muy alto y si me acompañas te mostraré lugares, senderos y entornos que te costara olvidar.
“IMPORTANTE: Este vídeo se trata de una acción promocional especial, hay algunas zonas en las que por respeto a la fauna y flora no es posible rodar en bicicleta"
I invite you to a new adventure that will take place in the province of Cáceres, specifically in the Monfragüe National Park and El Valle del Jerte. Maybe for many it is still an unknown area as far as cycling is concerned. Its potential is very high and if you accompany me I will show you places, trails and environments that you will find it hard to forget.
“IMPORTANT: This video is about a special promotional action, there are some areas where it is not possible to ride a bike out of respect for wildlife"
“IMPORTANTE: Este vídeo se trata de una acción promocional especial, hay algunas zonas en las que por respeto a la fauna y flora no es posible rodar en bicicleta"
I invite you to a new adventure that will take place in the province of Cáceres, specifically in the Monfragüe National Park and El Valle del Jerte. Maybe for many it is still an unknown area as far as cycling is concerned. Its potential is very high and if you accompany me I will show you places, trails and environments that you will find it hard to forget.
“IMPORTANT: This video is about a special promotional action, there are some areas where it is not possible to ride a bike out of respect for wildlife"