Secret WW2 tunnels built on Hitlers order. What is inside is totally INSANE !

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Secret WW2 tunnels built on Hitlers order and what is INSIDE is AMAZING !
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I was stationed at Herzogenaurch, Germany from 1970 to 1972 it was a secret Germán airbase during WW II. There were tunnels that would go from under the barracks and come out miles away on the other side of town, they were big enough to fit a 2 1/2 truck through with no problems. They had them gated and locked so couldn't explore because so vast people got lost inside them.


That was one massive tunnel system, carved out by hand. I think those cables looked like the core lead for a radio aerial, so yes, a massive comms centre. You would never think of something that big just fro seeing the front of the bunker. The first tunnel system off the street entance, you could just walk past and never know it was there. Thank you for the research and the time you dedicate to sharing history with us. Stay safe and well my friends


This is an impressive find and I thank you for taking the time to share it with us. I'm especially impressed with the lack of graffiti and no real sign of vandalism.


The tunnel systems here were unbelievable! The time and manpower to build them must have been horrific! Thanks for bringing them to us! Great trek through those tunnels!


A couple of very interesting finds. The first tunnel complex has obviously been fitted out as a local air raid shelter sometime long after the war, probably for Cold War use, but the second one, apart from some graffiti, looks virtually untouched, and maybe never used. The orange dots, and yellow markings, look to be some sort of recent survey marks, as if someone has measured, and recorded, the details of this bunker tunnel system. The incoming cables look like high voltage, so maybe this complex was meant to be a hidden command centre tucked away in the hills were nobody would notice. A lot of work went into it so it was obviously important to build it at that spot. We will probably never know why they built it, but, it's still a fascinating look back into distant times. Thank you guys for sharing these hidden tunnel systems. I always love seeing these almost forgotten slices of History. Cheers to you all!


What a remarkable find. Both systems must have taken months to build. Thank you and EE for the tour, it was another job well done. I can't wait to see more of this location. Take care and stay safe out there my friends.


It appears to be a headquarters facility intended to be immune to allied bombing.


Couldn't believe how big they were on the inside especially the first one. Amazing how they converted it after WWII for use. Actually found it a shame that it had now been abandoned after all that work and money that had been put into it to renovate it.


Wow!! What a labyrinth of a tunnel system the gift that keeps on giving! Love this when you think you have seen everything then you turn a corner and and there, s another surprise! Great respect to you HH as a single Father raising your children to discover and respect history. Like the way you and EE tested the acoustics in the tunnel, a great duet!👍👍


9:35 holy that's a new one.
Great footage btw


I always wonder, how you find that kind of secret places. Thanks for the really interesting tour through this one 👍🏻


Wow, you and Eagle Eyes have totally outdone yourself, Sir. I have completely enjoyed this!!!❤❤❤ please, don't tell anybody where this is at. What remarkable condition this is in!!! If you can try to close the doors back up and make it where nobody can get in - this is truly a piece of History!!! Thank you, guys!


this was so cool, you and EE always have the best ww2 videos 🙂 I shared your channel around social media to show my support, thank you both!


Glad you made your way out, I got lost going around all those corners in the first bunker. Couldn't make out the connectors in the second bunker. They appear to be single core, could be for high power levels that cannot be managed with multicore cables. Did look like the connector end on the wall has some sort of insulator built into it which is indicative of high voltage cabling. It is similar to antenna connectors, but the cable just seems to be too big for that application.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing.


Two fantastic finds. The bunker complex is outstanding. Do you have any close-ups of the connectors? I believe I know what they are, but I would like a better look. Another great video job HH. EE's sing goes well in the tunnels. So much to look at in your area. Stay safe and well out there.


That first room in the mtn bunker with the square hole in the wall, was for a machine gunner to mow down any enemy coming in the entry you came in...the rusted steel square opening is a "gun turrett"


Wooow! That was absolutely nuts! It was the exact sort of military feature I love to see - a rather unassuming entrance which opens up to what seems like endless tunnels. Not only that, but with some extremely interesting artifacts still in place.

I do wonder if such an extensive tunnel system up on the hill in the woods might have been a centralized communications facility. I'm guessing those thick cables coming down from above might be for an antenna array, as it has a distinctly coax look to it. I was also intrigued by the items scattered on the floor; I'd love to have been able to just sit there and sift through it all, as I'm sure there must be some very interesting clues in all that.

Thanks guys!


Well, that was a double surprise! What a find! Yes, those huge cables coming into the first room were coaxial cables that would run to an antenna - I guess they had one above the bunker or quite close to it - I've never seen them so big before, it must have been for something quite special. Thanks EE and HH!


That was an amazing location. Thank you for sharing it with us.


You have found there a VERY high level command and planning bunker HH & EE. I saw a generator room and fuel storage, the large room was probably the office, administration, secretaries radio operators. It all points to SOMETHING important nearby. Those cables are 'high tension' high voltage cables. Those sort of things usually went to a very tall radio antenna or a radar array above ground. 16:47 THAT is definitely a cable trench so this bunker had EXTENSIVE comms connections. Possibly even an AREA COMMAND CENTRE? If you could pinpoint on the ground above where this bunker is you might find array mountings or fixings for steel guy lines to support a radio mast. FANTASTIC! Thank you!👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏
