You Waited Too Long to Make a Move, Did You Blow It With Her

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This guy has the best advice I've come by. I really liked this female colleague and instead of being direct and asking her out, I was was indirect and dropped hints for over one month. She never picked up on the hints. Finally, I told her how I feel, but it was too late. She said she was interested in me earlier, but moved on because I never asked her out. Always be direct and up front. Don't play stupid games like I did.


I'm turned off. My crush prefers being with other people never me.


Me right now. shy guys are too much work


The more I understand women the more I'm glad that I'm a bachelor.


If a girl like you she makes it easy for you. My ex girlfriend was the one who asked me out. If she gonna let you go like that. That's mean she doesn't like you in the first place.


for me i move on even if there is no one else around


Proves that you weren't 'the one'.

If you were, she wouldn't have let you go...


im so shy to face him 😳😁😂 i go shortcut ✌😂


What can I say? I love a challenge.
A-Game it is...


Women need to come with instruction manuals


With all due respect, Sir, I disagree with this one. Don't get me wrong I like the majority of your videos but this one is not correct, in my humble opinion anyway.

I have been in this situation several times and I have learned from it the hard way. Following this line of thinking about pursuing a woman, raising her interest levels back up, will always place you in a vulnerable position, emotionally and mentally. What happens if you fail to win back her interest? Will you gracefully accept defeat? Will you beat yourself up and hate yourself because she does not give you the time of day anymore? If you chase her back, in your mind you will always mentally and emotionally place her on a higher value status than you grant yourself. Can't she ask herself, "Maybe I should've tried harder to seduce him?" If you both ask yourselves these types of questions in these situations at the same time, then that is great because you are both interested in each other. It takes two to tango.

The idea that a woman has a short window of interest in you, that is, a small window of opportunity for you to seduce her that has a time limit, which a man has to act upon in order to get her on a date or whatever, is wrong. What you are saying is that she, Her Highness The Queen, is only interested in you for a short time period before she gets to decide whether or not she is still interested in you (correct me if I misunderstood you). If you miss the opportunity and approach her too late, you lose. I'm sorry but this is society's way of placing a woman on a pedestal and placing all the burden of responsibility on a man's shoulders to win her. You're the pauper and she's the princess. What that really means is that she wasn't really that interested in you in the first place. If she got bored or lost interest, it's her loss. You took your time. You decided when you wanted to approach her, to show interest in her and you are not in a hurry. You are not beholden to her signals which she displays so that you can jump up like a dog the moment its owner says, "Let's go for a walk." If you try to win her back, in the back of her mind she will notice that you're trying and she will sense that she has power over you and will most likely take you back or give you more opportunity, because she's feeling slightly sorry for you. Never get a woman to go out with you because she feels sorry for you! Never! You should both be chasing each other.


What? Too long? I asked this chick on what's app the next couple of weeks and she declined like she not in a dating process, what does that mean..yet she didn't seems to let me be as she tried hard to get my attention till the end! WHY NOW WHY?
