ProTactile: The DeafBlind Way

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VIDEO: A white DeafBlind female wearing a black NorthFace jacket is signing in front of a gray brick wall. She is signing, “Hello! My name is Esther, a DeafBlind. I would like to welcome you to take a peek in my world that is full of touch. Touch using ProTactile (PT) and ProTactile American Sign Language (PTASL) is the most important sensory form of communication also known as the DeafBlind way.” The video then shows Esther and her CDI standing on the snowy ground of the Flat Irons in Boulder, Colorado. It is cold and there are snow on the grounds, on the mountains, and on the trees. They are demonstrating a conversation in PTASL. Rachel: Do you want to continue walking and see the beautiful mountains? Esther: *taps on Rachel’s arms* yes! They turn to walk away, towards the mountains when a dog passes by. The video then zooms to a close-up of Rachel doing PT on Esther’s back showing that there is a dog passing to my left side and the dog is panting. Rachel then describes the Flat Irons on Esther’s back. A white female is approaching Esther and the video shows Rachel doing PT on Esther’s back. This allows Esther to know that someone is approaching and from where. She is then able to see the female and says Hello! The video then shows Rachel doing PT on Esther’s back communicating that the female is leaving. The video then goes back to the same gray brick will background with Esther signing, “With winning the Holman Prize, I will use the money to send two DeafBlind individuals from Colorado to Seattle to become certificated PTASL trainers. They will be able to train Colorado’s DeafBlind community and Interpreters. ProTactile is the DeafBlind way and the transformation for each DeafBlind when they discover PTASL is a blessing. ProTactile is the key communication method that gives the DeafBlind access to a very rich and fulfilling life.”
FEMALE VOICE OVER: Hello! My name is Esther, a DeafBlind. I would like to welcome you to take a peek in my world that is full of touch. Touch using ProTactile (PT) and ProTactile American Sign Language (PTASL) is the most important sensory form of communication also known as the DeafBlind way. ProTactile reinforces DeafBlind interpersonal relationships. ProTactile philosophy as a whole has a true sense of empowerment. As I’m walking side by side with Rachel, my interpreter, we communicate though ProTactile. Rachel describes this environment of the beautiful mountains in Boulder, Colorado by creating visual and sensual images through touch detailing the mountain ridges, the wind in the trees, the ground we walk on, and the people that come and go. She also lets me know if someone is approaching me, passing me, or watching me. ProTactile empowers DeafBlinds to enjoy this breathtaking view and be consistently in tune with their environment. ProTactile is beneficial in every aspect of the DeafBlind life and empowers me when leading a presentation, class, or workshop. With winning the Holman Prize, I will use the money to send two DeafBlind individuals from Colorado to Seattle to become certificated PTASL trainers. They will be able to train Colorado’s DeafBlind community and Interpreters. ProTactile is the DeafBlind way and the transformation for each DeafBlind when they discover PTASL is a blessing. ProTactile is the key communication method that gives the DeafBlind access to a very rich and fulfilling life.]
VIDEO: A white DeafBlind female wearing a black NorthFace jacket is signing in front of a gray brick wall. She is signing, “Hello! My name is Esther, a DeafBlind. I would like to welcome you to take a peek in my world that is full of touch. Touch using ProTactile (PT) and ProTactile American Sign Language (PTASL) is the most important sensory form of communication also known as the DeafBlind way.” The video then shows Esther and her CDI standing on the snowy ground of the Flat Irons in Boulder, Colorado. It is cold and there are snow on the grounds, on the mountains, and on the trees. They are demonstrating a conversation in PTASL. Rachel: Do you want to continue walking and see the beautiful mountains? Esther: *taps on Rachel’s arms* yes! They turn to walk away, towards the mountains when a dog passes by. The video then zooms to a close-up of Rachel doing PT on Esther’s back showing that there is a dog passing to my left side and the dog is panting. Rachel then describes the Flat Irons on Esther’s back. A white female is approaching Esther and the video shows Rachel doing PT on Esther’s back. This allows Esther to know that someone is approaching and from where. She is then able to see the female and says Hello! The video then shows Rachel doing PT on Esther’s back communicating that the female is leaving. The video then goes back to the same gray brick will background with Esther signing, “With winning the Holman Prize, I will use the money to send two DeafBlind individuals from Colorado to Seattle to become certificated PTASL trainers. They will be able to train Colorado’s DeafBlind community and Interpreters. ProTactile is the DeafBlind way and the transformation for each DeafBlind when they discover PTASL is a blessing. ProTactile is the key communication method that gives the DeafBlind access to a very rich and fulfilling life.”
FEMALE VOICE OVER: Hello! My name is Esther, a DeafBlind. I would like to welcome you to take a peek in my world that is full of touch. Touch using ProTactile (PT) and ProTactile American Sign Language (PTASL) is the most important sensory form of communication also known as the DeafBlind way. ProTactile reinforces DeafBlind interpersonal relationships. ProTactile philosophy as a whole has a true sense of empowerment. As I’m walking side by side with Rachel, my interpreter, we communicate though ProTactile. Rachel describes this environment of the beautiful mountains in Boulder, Colorado by creating visual and sensual images through touch detailing the mountain ridges, the wind in the trees, the ground we walk on, and the people that come and go. She also lets me know if someone is approaching me, passing me, or watching me. ProTactile empowers DeafBlinds to enjoy this breathtaking view and be consistently in tune with their environment. ProTactile is beneficial in every aspect of the DeafBlind life and empowers me when leading a presentation, class, or workshop. With winning the Holman Prize, I will use the money to send two DeafBlind individuals from Colorado to Seattle to become certificated PTASL trainers. They will be able to train Colorado’s DeafBlind community and Interpreters. ProTactile is the DeafBlind way and the transformation for each DeafBlind when they discover PTASL is a blessing. ProTactile is the key communication method that gives the DeafBlind access to a very rich and fulfilling life.]