The Basics of the Physics of a Guitar

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This guy has to be the coolest teacher on Earth.


Why are there so many negative comments? I found this VERY useful, very informative, and I don't get why the class looks so bored


I’m a guitar player and this lecture was very enlightening, thank you😊


That's really useful
Thank you for this video, I will make a good grade on my science fair project thanks to this <3


Thank you for this video. Very concise and to the point ❤


Maybe the sounds doesn't come out from the sound hole, it comes out from the top itself, the sound hole functions as a port for releasing the pressure. If you covered the sound hole and made another one at the side, you would notice that fact... maybe i'm wrong, but i have a guitar with no sound hole and sounds amazing.


My lord.
I c.
Didactics, autodidacts,
Masters in all of us.
Well done.
All plays perfectly with mastery and loose fun AND individual expressionism AND is whole complete perfect music at its high level.
Plays and knows amazingly.
ALL. all ways. ALL right



Question 6. (a) (b) page 236 of KSSM Form 2 textbook.

T ksh.

Sc. teacher SMK Kota.


Yu are very good sir. But Sir, I sincerely wish you would just say the same in a slower pace. I had a really hard time understanding it. You were showing "sounds like this, pick like this" in very fast manner, by the time I see it the action was already done... 😔 I didn't mean yu sit and say but pls show slow... It would be much better if you would say again for the peeps who last track of your words in an instant. It took 2hrs for me to understand what yu really said in this video of 9 mins.
I became a fan of your teaching and style after seeing this but regretting that yu should have said it more clear, I mean your deep enough in knowledge but we should understand what yu said right? I hope you would atleast see this comment and react by mentioning what you said briefly (as text at least) in the description or reply this comment.


Ha Stan we're working on the same project! I had Mr. Palmer a few years ago and did pretty bad on the AP exams. I don't think any of us did too good. He uses too much sarcasm and intimidation, we were always on pins and needles. Re-took exact same class here w/ Searcy. Whew so much better. Searcy doesn't spend an unholy amount of time making self-promoting videos, but for her its all about us discovering stuff, and not about her ego. I have other better guitar physics clips I'll send you.


If I do nothing to the string

Proceeds to pluck string


If you cut your hair shorter how would u look like? Now b4 my eyes you stood as a Kenny G of guitar version!


Terrible teacher. Slow down and think about what you are saying before you say it. Not once did he even say during his ramble does everyone understand that. All I heard was a guy rambling for 9 minutes about a topic he does not understand. If you dont understand the problem, you cant simplify it. You should look at this video yourself and if a four year old doesnt understand it you have failed. Also stop moving around so much. Sit on a high stool and dont distract the students with constant movement. You can take on these tips, or you can continue to teach incoherently to students who will learn nothing. If even 5% of your class understood this 9 minutes I would be very surprised. Interact with your students, make it fun and get them involved in the process. This is not a private guitar class. Its a music, science, math class or whatever.


Another middle-aged guitar playing physics teacher trying to show off. There's a surprisingly large number of them out there. Very cliche, and a bit icky. #1 He's not that good of a guitar player. #2 The physics he's actually covering is really light and in some spots, incorrect. Like too many teachers, this guy is trying to be the star. He's trying too hard to be "the really cool, really smart" rock star teacher. Truly good teachers aren't like this. Put your students in the limelight.
