HD 660S2 is the best one. Most balanced and flat sound.
Thanks to you I discovered the Chineese music, and I love it so much !
MV1 for male vocals. 490 pro for neutrality. DT900 for treble murder. HD660S2 for tuned musicality.
I own the hd 560s (same as 400 pro) and the 660s2, and I would like to add few things which aren't very evident in the demo. One thing is that the 560s lack resolution, whereas the 660s2 have excellent resolution. The 660s2 should technically be the best out of all of them for most balanced sound, and for long and comfortable listening sessions, but for pure clarity, the 490 pro would be the winner
Sennheiser 490 pros aren't great for bass but they certainly have clarity and air. If you like instruments, then 490 pros will be perfect.
Thanks for the time and effort you put into creating this video. I was wondering. Are the 490 Pro pads interchangeable with the 6 series or any other Sennheiser series?
hey thank you for posting the videos though!
Please do a video comparing the Ananda V3 and the HD 800S. Thank you.
I got my Sony MV1 about 3 weeks ago, unfortunately this demo does not show how good MV1 is, it is the most comfortable headphones ever and it sounds phenomenal, great resolution, forward mids, deep base, great highs, it is a new golden standard, basically it's probably the best headphones ever created, you have to have a good reason to buy anything else, I love it, the only this is that it's frequency response is not flat and for spoken word (youtube, anime, TV programs) flat headphones are still better. Sony did it, it's amazing.
I hope you will try the ifi Audio Zen DAC 3 and activate XBASS on a different headphone, specifically the DT family, because it is sensitive to the source.
Which pads are which with the 490 Pro? Do producer pads come first and then mixing pads or is it mixing pads first and then producer pads?
AKG vs Austrian audio pls
Austrian audio Hi-X60 and Hi-X65 vs other brands
Can demo Moondrop Cosmo against the Hifiman Susvara?
I actually prefer 660s2 over all of them including 490 pro that I own looking to buy 660s2 then
What is the last song called? I couldn't find it anywhere 😢
What do you think of DT 1990 Pro compared to HD490 Pro and DT 900 Pro X?
Sennheiser sounds like Beyerdynamic for poor PRO X and MV1 for me. BTW I own HD660S2 it's muffled mids spoil everything, HD660s2 might be the "worst good headphones" ever created, also I used to own HD400PRO, it has very low resolution, this demo does not show it but the resolution is really low, lower than on 100$ HD280 headphones. After owning every Sennheiser's headphones the only one is still worth buying is ironically Neumann NDH 20 (Senn owns Neumann brand now), the rest of Sennheiser's line is meh. Recently I bought Aune AR5000 and it sounds just like HD 600 but better. It's a sad day but I have to say it: BB Sennheiser.
mv1 murders everything except the senns in which 400pro seems acurate and neutral, 490pro the same, more wide but with a bit of magic lost, 660s2 more magic but still scratches me in a weird way like 660s(which is crap). mv1>490-400 pro>660s2>... 660s2 have the upper hand of magic tho. 900 prox sounds like music is plaing in a cave