Titanic: The Story 1993

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The Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912, after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New Your City. There were 1,514 people that drowned in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history. "The Unsinkable Titanic" sunk and today the story lives on in fans of those who love this great ship and it's history.

I have Titanic, Olympic, Queen Mary, Ocean Liner, and other interesting Historical documentaries. It is a passion of mine to share the amazing Titanic story for the generations to come. Thank you watching my films and please Subscribe, Like, and Comment. Blessings, Mark.

#Titanic #SavetheTitanic #TitanicDocumentary
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God bless you and Blessings Mark.


No loud music, no over the top voice over nor lame actors recreations. Just facts with no conspiracy theories. I like old documentaries.


I'm convinced every kid at some point goes through an obsession with sharks phase, dinosaurs phase, and Titanic phase. I never grew out of the Titanic phase. When I was 17 my Dad gave me an original printing of "Futility: Wreck of the Titan" to add to my collection of Titanic books. Still a precious object to me.


Now, I‘m no fanatical fan or self-proclaimed expert on the Titanic, like some pople, but I never tire of watching documentaries about this fascinating ship and its short and sad history. This is one of the really good ones, well narrated and illustrated, thank you so much!


My great grandfather helped load furnishings onto the Titanic. He told me stories about he accidentally clogged up one of the toilets onboard in the second class laboratories. He couldn't get the toilet to flush properly so he just left it in disarray as to not get caught.


My friend's grandmother's uncle was on Titanic. He was one of those men who fed coals to its engine but was off duty on that fateful night, and survived.
But he killed himself a few years later.
Sinking and what he witness had tormented him.


Eva Hart is amazing. I've listened to all of her interviews. She was so giving in all of them. Couldn't have been easy to recount the story involving her father's demise. :( RIP Eva.


It must have been really frightening when Captain Smith stated " Every man for himself" The Band were so brave playing music and going down with the ship, The lady in this her memory of what happened is something we can only imagine


This is by far the best told story of the Titanic.


Adults made their own choices when most thought they were safer on the ship & decided not to get into lifeboats. Most of those went away less than half full, when it was said, that these lifeboats held 60 grown men. One of those early lifeboats only had 12 people...but they wouldn't allow the dogs...it's absolutely heartbreaking. If you think about it, allowing dogs could have benifitted the survivors and dogs alike. How many stories have we heard about dogs keeping people from freezing to death. The survivors in the boats could have snuggled the dogs to keep warm. 😢🐶


Very wise lady, and her comment about 1 life was more valuable than the ship hit home.


I remember watching this on PBS in the mid '90s and it's my favorite Titanic documentary. Very straightforward, great visuals, great narration, not overproduced or over-dramatic and an in-depth interview. The only thing missing here now is the original background music.


I love reading/watching anything about the Titanic. Thank you for this!


i cant seem to get tired of watching TITANIC VIDEOS and stories, it such a captivating one. like she said, TITANIC wasn't built for anyone to die. very profound statement.


This is the ASMR version of Titanic documentaries. I love it! Thanks Mark.


Robert Powel has a great voice, dont know why, but he makes these stories that more interesting.


The silence during the ending credits roll against the painting of the ships final moments was erie, almost "deafening" and quite appropriate. Most documentaries and movies play some kind of back drop music/tune.... Even after all these years (29 in 2022), I think it still one of the best general documentaries on the disaster. I love and treasure the interview clips from Eva Hart, the last "surviving" witness of the sinking who could actually remember it. How truly remarkable! What poetic justice and satisfaction to finally be proven right/correct about something witnessed some 74 years earlier with so many others telling you that you were "wrong" despite most of them not being there to witness what you saw, experienced, and lived through and have had to ever since. This has got to be one of the greatest and most infuriating frustrations i can think of within the realm of human experience...


I have been fascinated by the story since i was 11 years old in 1984 im now 48 in 2021 & im still so in awe of this tragedy. Incredible history.


Whew! Finally a documentary that tells the story in such a professional way. No frenetic, percussion, sound effects, … Just a story well told by an excellent narrator, alternating with real person interviews. What a pleasure. I’m certainly looking forward to other episodes. Subscribed with pleasure.


I'm still so fascinated by this story. Such a beautiful ship that suffered such horrible tragedy with so many people who lost their lives on this ship.
