[Arabic] Learn JavaScript In One Video - Part One

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Learn JavaScript In One Video - Part One

Lessons From 001 To 101

The Course In 188 Separated Videos

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الوقت مترقم بعدد الدروس

1. 0:36 Introduction And What Is JavaScript ?
2. 9:04 How To Study The Course ?
3. 16:15 Setting up environment and tools
4. 22:27 Work with chrome developer tools
5. 27:43 Where to put the code?
6. 32:10 Comments and bad practice
7. 36:21 Output to screen
8. 42:37 Console methods and styling and web API
9. 48:38 What is ECMAScript?

10. 55:01 Data type and typeof operator
11. 1:04:56 Variable introduction
12. 1:11:11 Identifiers name convention & rules
13. 1:15:02 Var, Let, Const compare
14. 1:22:03 String syntax & Escape
15. 1:29:18 Concatenation
16. 1:31:56 Template Literals (Template Strings)
17. 1:39:54 Variables & Concatenation challenge
18. 1:42:43 Arithmetic operators
19. 1:50:55 Unary plus and negation operators
20. 1:56:02 Type coercion
21. 2:01:43 Assignment operators
22. 2:04:42 Operators challenge

23. 2:07:48 Number
24. 2:14:44 Number methods
25. 2:22:47 Math object
26. 2:27:32 Number challenge
27. 2:29:39 String methods part 1
28. 2:37:51 String methods part 2
29. 2:50:14 String methods part 3
30. 3:02:56 String challenge

31. 3:05:32 Comparison operators
32. 3:11:51 Logical operators
33. 3:16:18 If conditions
34. 3:24:54 Nested if conditions
35. 3:29:50 Conditional Ternary operator
36. 3:36:51 Nullish coalescing operator & Logical Operators
37. 3:41:10 If conditions challenge
38. 3:43:43 Switch statement
39. 3:49:33 Switch & If conditions challenge
40. 3:52:50 Array Big introduction
41. 4:00:40 Using lenght with array
42. 4:06:10 Add and remove array
43. 4:11:14 Add and remove array
44. 4:16:35 Sorting array
45. 4:19:35 Slicing array
46. 4:26:33 Joining array
47. 4:29:59 Array challenge

48. 4:31:59 Loop For and concept fo Loop
49. 4:39:47 Looping on sequences
50. 4:47:43 Nested Loop and Training
51. 4:52:03 Loop control-Break, Continue, Label
52. 4:59:00 Loop for-advanced example
53. 5:03:23 Practice add products to page
54. 5:10:02 Loop while
55. 5:14:47 Loop do - while
56. 5:18:03 Loop challenge

57. 5:21:17 Function intro and basic usage
58. 5:29:15 Function advanced examples
59. 5:35:21 Function return statement & use cases
60. 5:42:28 Function default parameters
61. 5:46:52 Function rest parameters
62. 5:53:52 Function Ultimate Practice
63. 6:05:13 Random arguments Function challenge
64. 6:08:18 Anonymous Function and practice
65. 6:16:44 Return Nested Function
66. 6:23:01 Arrow Function syntax
67. 6:28:57 Scope - Globale and Local
68. 6:34:54 Scope - Block
69. 6:29:29 Scope - Lexical
70. 6:44:28 Arrow Function challenge

71. 6:47:01 Higher order Function map
72. 6:55:27 Higher order Function map practice
73. 7:04:04 Higher order Function fillter
74. 7:10:32 Higher order Function fillter practice
75. 7:15:50 Higher order Function reduce
76. 7:23:12 Higher order Function reduce practice
77. 7:28:44 ForEach and practice
78. 7:40:30 Higher order Function challenge

79. 7:42:37 Object introduction
80. 7:50:05 Dot notation vs Bracket notation
81. 7:56:13 Nested Object and advanced examples
82. 8:04:39 Create object with new keyword
83. 8:08:48 This keyword
84. 8:14:03 Create object with Create method
85. 8:20:21 Create object with assign method

86. 8:24:26 What is DOM ? and select elements
87. 8:35:47 Get, Set elements Content and attributes
88. 8:45:14 Check attributes and examples
89. 8:52:37 Create and append elements
90. 8:59:37 Product with title & discription practice
91. 9:05:12 Deal with childrens
92. 9:10:18 DOM events
93. 9:19:01 Validate form and prevent default
94. 9:28:51 Event simulation click, focus, blur
95. 9:33:13 Class list object and methods
96. 9:38:45 CSS styling
97. 9:45:23 Before, After, Prepend, Append, Remove
98. 9:49:51 DOM traversing
99. 9:54:39 DOM Cloning
100. 9:58:20 Add EventListener
101. 10:07:41 DOM challenge


0:36 What is new?
1:54 What is javascript.
2:49 What JS can do?
5:41 Content
6:45 What I need to learn?
9:06 How to study the course?
16:15 Setting up environment and tools
22:27 Work with chrome developer tools
27:43 Where to put the code?
32:10 Comments and bad practice
36:21 Output to srceen
42:37 Console methods and styling and web API
48:38 What is ECMAScript?
55:01 Data type and typeof operator
1:04:56 Variable introduction
1:11:11 Identifiers name convention & rules
1:15:02 Var, Let, Const compare
1:22:03 String syntax & Escape sequences
1:29:18 Concatenation
1:31:56 Template Literals (Template Strings)
1:39:54 Variables & Concatenation challenge
1:42:43 Arithmetic operators
1:50:55 Unary plus and negation operators
1:56:02 Type coercion
2:01:43 Assignment operators
2:04:42 Operators challenge
2:07:48 Number
2:14:44 Number methods
2:22:47 Math object
2:27:32 Number challenge
2:29:39 String methods part 1
2:37:51 String methods part 2
2:50:14 String methods part 3
3:02:56 String challenge
3:05:32 Comparison operators
3:11:51 Logical operators
3:16:18 If conditions
3:24:54 Nested if conditions
3:29:50 Conditional Ternary operator
3:36:51 Nullish coalescing operator & Logical Operators
3:41:10 If conditions challenge
3:43:43 Switch statement
3:49:33 Switch & If conditions challenge
3:52:50 Array Big introduction
4:00:40 Using lenght with array
4:06:10 Add and remove array
4:11:14 Add and remove array
4:16:35 Sorting array
4:19:35 Slicing array
4:26:33 Joining array
4:29:59 Array challenge
4:31:59 Loop For and concept fo Loop
4:39:47 Looping on sequences
4:47:43 Nested Loop and Training
4:52:03 Loop control-Break, Continue, Label
4:59:00 Loop for-advanced example
5:03:23 Practice add products to page
5:10:02 Loop while
5:14:47 Loop do - while
5:18:03 Loop challenge
5:21:17 Function intro and basic usage
5:29:15 Function advanced examples
5:35:21 Function return statement & use cases
5:42:28 Function default parameters
5:46:52 Function rest parameters
5:53:52 Function Ultimate Practice
6:05:13 Random arguments Function challenge
6:08:18 Anonymous Function and practice
6:16:44 Return Nested Function
6:23:01 Arrow Function syntax
6:28:57 Scope - Globale and Local
6:34:54 Scope - Block
6:29:29 Scope - Lexical
6:44:28 Arrow Function challenge
6:47:01 Higher order Function map
6:55:27 Higher order Function map practice
7:04:04 Higher order Function fillter
7:10:32 Higher order Function fillter practice
7:15:50 Higher order Function reduce
7:23:12 Higher order Function reduce practice
7:28:44 ForEach and practice
7:40:30 Higher order Function challenge
7:42:37 Object introduction
7:50:05 Dot notation vs Bracket notation
7:56:13 Nested Object and advanced examples
8:04:39 Create object with new keyword
8:08:48 This keyword
8:14:03 Create object with Create method
8:20:21 Create object with assign method
8:24:26 What is DOM ? and select elements
8:35:47 Get, Set elements Content and attributes
8:45:14 Check attributes and examples
8:52:37 Create and append elements
8:59:37 Product with title & discription practice
9:05:12 Deal with childrens
9:10:18 DOM events
9:19:01 Validate form and prevent default
9:28:51 Event simulation click, focus, blur
9:33:13 Class list object and methods
9:38:45 CSS styling
9:45:23 Before, After, Prepend, Append, Remove
9:49:51 DOM traversing
9:54:39 DOM Cloning
9:58:20 Add EventListener
10:07:41 DOM challenge


1. 0:36 Introduction And What Is JavaScript ?
2. 9:04 How To Study The Course ?
3. 16:15 Setting up environment and tools
4. 22:27 Work with chrome developer tools
5. 27:43 Where to put the code?
6. 32:10 Comments and bad practice
7. 36:21 Output to screen
8. 42:37 Console methods and styling and web API
9. 48:38 What is ECMAScript?

10. 55:01 Data type and typeof operator
11. 1:04:56 Variable introduction
12. 1:11:11 Identifiers name convention & rules
13. 1:15:02 Var, Let, Const compare
14. 1:22:03 String syntax & Escape
15. 1:29:18 Concatenation
16. 1:31:56 Template Literals (Template Strings)
17. 1:39:54 Variables & Concatenation challenge
18. 1:42:43 Arithmetic operators
19. 1:50:55 Unary plus and negation operators
20. 1:56:02 Type coercion
21. 2:01:43 Assignment operators
22. 2:04:42 Operators challenge

23. 2:07:48 Number
24. 2:14:44 Number methods
25. 2:22:47 Math object
26. 2:27:32 Number challenge
27. 2:29:39 String methods part 1
28. 2:37:51 String methods part 2
29. 2:50:14 String methods part 3
30. 3:02:56 String challenge

31. 3:05:32 Comparison operators
32. 3:11:51 Logical operators
33. 3:16:18 If conditions
34. 3:24:54 Nested if conditions
35. 3:29:50 Conditional Ternary operator
36. 3:36:51 Nullish coalescing operator & Logical Operators
37. 3:41:10 If conditions challenge
38. 3:43:43 Switch statement
39. 3:49:33 Switch & If conditions challenge
40. 3:52:50 Array Big introduction
41. 4:00:40 Using lenght with array
42. 4:06:10 Add and remove array
43. 4:11:14 Add and remove array
44. 4:16:35 Sorting array
45. 4:19:35 Slicing array
46. 4:26:33 Joining array
47. 4:29:59 Array challenge

48. 4:31:59 Loop For and concept fo Loop
49. 4:39:47 Looping on sequences
50. 4:47:43 Nested Loop and Training
51. 4:52:03 Loop control-Break, Continue, Label
52. 4:59:00 Loop for-advanced example
53. 5:03:23 Practice add products to page
54. 5:10:02 Loop while
55. 5:14:47 Loop do - while
56. 5:18:03 Loop challenge

57. 5:21:17 Function intro and basic usage
58. 5:29:15 Function advanced examples
59. 5:35:21 Function return statement & use cases
60. 5:42:28 Function default parameters
61. 5:46:52 Function rest parameters
62. 5:53:52 Function Ultimate Practice
63. 6:05:13 Random arguments Function challenge
64. 6:08:18 Anonymous Function and practice
65. 6:16:44 Return Nested Function
66. 6:23:01 Arrow Function syntax
67. 6:28:57 Scope - Globale and Local
68. 6:34:54 Scope - Block
69. 6:29:29 Scope - Lexical
70. 6:44:28 Arrow Function challenge

71. 6:47:01 Higher order Function map
72. 6:55:27 Higher order Function map practice
73. 7:04:04 Higher order Function fillter
74. 7:10:32 Higher order Function fillter practice
75. 7:15:50 Higher order Function reduce
76. 7:23:12 Higher order Function reduce practice
77. 7:28:44 ForEach and practice
78. 7:40:30 Higher order Function challenge

79. 7:42:37 Object introduction
80. 7:50:05 Dot notation vs Bracket notation
81. 7:56:13 Nested Object and advanced examples
82. 8:04:39 Create object with new keyword
83. 8:08:48 This keyword
84. 8:14:03 Create object with Create method
85. 8:20:21 Create object with assign method

86. 8:24:26 What is DOM ? and select elements
87. 8:35:47 Get, Set elements Content and attributes
88. 8:45:14 Check attributes and examples
89. 8:52:37 Create and append elements
90. 8:59:37 Product with title & discription practice
91. 9:05:12 Deal with childrens
92. 9:10:18 DOM events
93. 9:19:01 Validate form and prevent default
94. 9:28:51 Event simulation click, focus, blur
95. 9:33:13 Class list object and methods
96. 9:38:45 CSS styling
97. 9:45:23 Before, After, Prepend, Append, Remove
98. 9:49:51 DOM traversing
99. 9:54:39 DOM Cloning
100. 9:58:20 Add EventListener
101. 10:07:41 DOM challenge


اول حاجه احب اني اشكرا حضرتك انا لسه مخلص كورس html وحضرتك انسان محترم وتستحق كل خير ربنا يجعلوا في ميزان حسناتك


you literally know the feelings of a beginner person . you repeat the same basics like setup of vs code etc for our ease, although you have did it in multiple videos . the teaching and clearing of each and every concept through examples is amazing way to let the beginner fall in love with your teaching . keep up this special way of teaching .


قال الله تعالى: قال الله تعالى: {وَلا تَقُولَنَّ لِشَيْءٍ إِنِّي فَاعِلٌ ذَلِكَ غَدًا * إِلَّا أَنْ يَشَاءَ اللَّهُ وَاذْكُرْ رَبَّكَ إِذَا نَسِيتَ وَقُلْ عَسَى أَنْ يَهْدِيَنِ رَبِّي لِأَقْرَبَ مِنْ هَذَا رَشَدًا}


86. 8:24:26 What is DOM ? and select elements
87. 8:35:47 Get, Set elements Content and attributes
88. 8:45:14 Check attributes and examples
89. 8:52:37 Create and append elements
90. 8:59:37 Product with title & discription practice
91. 9:05:12 Deal with childrens
92. 9:10:18 DOM events
93. 9:19:01 Validate form and prevent default
94. 9:28:51 Event simulation click, focus, blur
95. 9:33:13 Class list object and methods
96. 9:38:45 CSS styling
97. 9:45:23 Before, After, Prepend, Append, Remove
98. 9:49:51 DOM traversing
99. 9:54:39 DOM Cloning
100. 9:58:20 Add EventListener
101. 10:07:41 DOM challenge


في منتصف الCSS وجاء الفيديو في وقته, مشكور جدا يا باش زيرو وان شاء الله نكمل للاخر 🔥


كل الحب و الاحترام أستاذ أسامة ، عصاميتك ملهمة لنا ، سلامي لك من أعماق بلاد المغرب ، شكرا لك على المجهودات الجبارة و نسأل الله تعالى أن يدخر لك الأجر و الثواب و أن يكفيك هموم الحياة


والله اللى انت بتعمله دا يستاهل وقفة مع تعظيم سلام ليك يبشمهندس على المجهود العالى دا❤


اكتر حاجة عجبتني في الكورس دا هو ((Function و if و else بحد الحاجاة دي بتستعمل في مجالات كتير


جزاك الله تعالى كل الخير ❤️ بإنتظار كورس React


solution :

let is_title, is_description, is_date;
is_itle= "elzero";
is_description= "elzero description";
is_date= "25/10";

let container= `

<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h3> Hello ${is_itle}</h3>


بشمهندس اسامه انا نفسي اقابل حضرتك مره واحده في حياتي عشان ابوس دماغك رزقك الله الفردوس الأعلي بدون سابقة عذاب او حساب وجعلك من اوائل الشاربين من أيدي رسول الله


برجاء عمل تقسيم لاجزاء الفيديو ( Time Stamp ) بارك الله فيك استاذنا الفاضل


محتاج اقولك شكرا لحضرتك قبل ما انام انا مغرم بحضرتك وبمستر ابراهيم عادل انا بتابع الفديو المجمع دة خلصت ساعه ومكمل قولت اقول شكرا


ربنا يباركلك يا استاذ أسامة
أنا اتعلمت html ف اسبوع عشان كلها ف فديو واحد ٤ ساعات و اتعلمت css في أسبوعين الفديو بتاعها ١١ ساعة مع العلم اني بذاكر ساعة واحدة يوميا من الفديو و لسه هبدأ Javascript فبجد شكرا جدا وربنا يفتح عليك


فهمتها 600٪ والحمدلله هذا بفضل الله و بفضلك يا أستاذ المحترم


يعطيك الف عافية على الشرح الواضح و البسيط اللي مافيه اي تعقيد توصل المعلومه غصب الف شكر يابشمهندس :)❤


الزيرو رقم واحد ربنا يزيدك من نعيمه الله
