Americans Don’t Want The Truth Anymore - The Ring Of Fire

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The media is awash with quotes from President Trump’s interview with Time – this interview dealt with Trump’s view of truth and fiction as he took the White House. Most outlets are going full-on Buzzfeed-style when they are covering the interview with outrageously headlined listicles like “9 biggest WTF quotes from Trump’s interview.” Trump did say some pretty stupid things in his interview – I mean some real idiotic things. But, he did – perhaps unwittingly – make his best points about the fake news. Ring of Fire's Josh Gay discusses this.

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“Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.” ― Thomas Merton


Media is the message that is the global perspective


Exactly, going Directly to the like the like this channel....Ring of


0:05 you just know he was viciously bullied for that last name


ahahahahahaha ahahahahhaa anymore .... ahahahahahaha


1:28 *now* they peddle sensationalism? That has been their M.O. for decades now.


This guy is actually Farron Cousins with a fake beard, fake glasses and a funny voice. I found out his secret!


There should a law that states that you can't make money off news and corporate media is either required by law to fund news or atleast something like single payer health care where government just pays the bill for the news part but private companies do the actual news work. To make Americans a little smarter it would be tax payer money well spent.


I think you are missing the most important issue. In order for our news to be objective, and useful for our democracy, we need to restore the news to an independent status. News departments should not be connected to advertisers in any way, and their staff should be ignorant as to the identity of the major commercial buyers . The sorry state of media today is not due to any market influence or demand by consumers. The reason we do not have a free press in the U.S. is simply because we have shackled it to the whims of the corporate state that has hijacked our democracy.


I feel safe from Islamic Terrorism



Did you Earthlings ever NOT choose to only consume information you believe in? Isn't this how your Earthling mind maintains its beloved consistent world view, even if it means dismissing facts?

(Don't misunderstand me: I don't mean to be patronizing . In fact, your "consistency first" mind seems to work better in practice than the "facts only", "probabilistic" or "consensus first" minds of many alien races - not to mention the "regulations first" mindset that is the base of the Galactic Bureaucracy.)


Were I a cynical sort, I might wonder about how this video from a new source media outlet is criticising the legacy media channels for their chasing of clicks and editorialised reportage to that end; and suggesting that therefore the new media outlets are the only ones to be trusted, so go watch, subscribe, click on those instead; like... erm... persumably... this one!
Were I a cynical sort, I might indeed wonder that.


Exactly, going Directly to the like the like this channel....Ring of
