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UNDERTALE DELTARUNE Fangame! Deltatraveler Section 2! Kris, Susie and Noelle enter the world of Earthbound! With commentary / reactions.

Game made by RynoGG
Undertale and Deltarune by Toby Fox

Play the game yourself!

DeltatTraveler Playlist!

#Merg #Undertale #Deltarune

All footage and music used belong to their respective owners. Allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Thanks for reading. :) the memes are getting too powerful
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I love how Merg's natural reaction to EarthBound was him being unable to tell what was and wasn't a meme (Like the song "Sanctuary Guardian" at 1:17:58), and just being confused in general, that says a lot about EarthBound itself

Section 2 is a great tribute to EarthBound, and seeing an actual blind reaction to what the game's like was entertaining, I'd love to see Merg eventually get into EarthBound/the MOTHER franchise in general, considering how long he's been invested in Undertale


I love how by playing so much Undertale and its fangames (and AUs), Merg forgot what in the world is a skull and just calls it Sans


Susie : I don’t really feel like carrying anything right now


52:48 I am pretty shocked at how long Merg played this game without calling her Barney for so long


Merg absolutely refusing to use Noelle's act against the blue cultists so he doesn't get hit is the most Merg thing I've ever seen on this channel.


For anyone not getting why Merg used Y instead of Z, it’s because keyboards made for the German language use a qwertz layout instead of a qwerty. That basically just switches the Y and Z key.


A simple reason as to why Kris was uncomfortable with the idea of Paula joining the team: Her LV.


It's just another of my jobs Kiddo.


Noelle: *. _ .*


This has convinced me we need to have Merg play Earthbound. Being able to witness him experiencing the bizarre wonders and small details that inspired Toby back in the day would be an absolute joy


2:31 Oh no, she’s about to cast a spell she doesn’t know


Dang, he definitely ought to play actual earthbound at some point; quite a few references were interesting to see and it was hilarious simultaneously face palming and laughing while he tried confronting the cult leader without the Franklin badge lol. Great vid, can’t wait to see geno route version


Took me a minute to realize 2hat Merg meant when he said to Noelle: "You come from the exact same place"
RPG characters really need to know when not to tell about their personal details, I'm pretty sure if you asked a random one their social security details they'd spill it without hesitation unless they're a main character.


Kris: *Silence*


Not to self: Merg considers Earthbound characters to be squishy.


1:26:47 I love the fact that not only he gives it away, but also that it's the button that progresses dialogue, so youre basically using the soul powers during the dialogue lmao


Merg somehow just combined two of Deltarune and Undertale's biggest memes into one title and I have to respect that.


Merg saying ‘an alive plant..’ before remembering all plants are alive is so funny to me



this is literally the equivalent of someone playing undertale genocide for the first time in recent years hearing megalovania


Welp I played earthbound, so I will say everything reference showed.

4:38 In earthbound you don't kill the enemies, instead It is said "the enemy was back to normal, the enemy stopped moving, ect" so nobody dies in the game, the thing for the mushroom is that It stopped moving, so thats why It appears there.

5:08 This guy was so you could give money to him to get hints of where you had to go, because there were so many points in where the game didn't tell you were to go and where VERY confusing.

5:41 This guy gives you a bike, but you can only use It when you are only with Ness in the party, so only for a moment in the game that you later have to give back if you talked to him again, susie would say that they can run and the guy will be surprised, as in the game you can't run in any way.

6:34 There is an status that the certain enemies give that makes you swap your controls in the map every few seconds, and a mushroom growns in the head of the character, and this character BUYS your mushroom in your head and heals you from that status, she says she got so many because in the original game that status could get very anoying and very easy to get.

8:18 In earthbound theenemies don't move until you move, and depending to which one of you were facing the back of the oponent they would attack first or you could get a free attack first or just start like normal.

8:24 The earthbound battle backgrounds were all like that, thats why It is so famous, as It was one of the first to use this many flashy backgrounds in the music you can also hear some things that are the voices you can also hear when starting the game after naming the characters.

9:13 In deltatraveler this attack steals TP if you are in It, It is based in the PSI magnet that Paula and this sprouts and enemies can do, in the original game they steal your PP (Psychic Points) that you use in the original game to use Psychic Power (magic).
All the enemies in the area are enemies that you also get to fight in the original game.

10:08 This pencil-shape iron statues appear in the game so you can't progress any further until you get certain items, due to that in the game Ness needs to go there, check the statue, go back to get the object and go back to delete It and the mushroom at the start of the cave was already beated up, we can think that we came after Ness checked the statue but before he deleted It.

10:38 This guy appeared in certain moments and take photos of you, and didn't give them to you until the end of the game, also kris does the same pose that Ness does in the original game in these moments and the dialogue is exactly the same.

19:27 This enemy is called explosive oak because in the original game when you defeted him he would explode and deal a lot of damage to you. And the ovni and the spining robot gave you an status that make you lose health called Cold (Sniffling).

23:02 OH look is sans from smash bros!

24:52 In the game, Ness was the character with more posibility to miss an attack but had high HP and he was the only one who could use bats, thats why in this fangame that weapon is more hard to use and he says "harder to aim", because some in the game made ness had a ton of attack but miss a lot.

26:20 The skip sandwich is an similator of how an item in earthbound could make your speed increase out of battle and if used in certain way you could get outside of the map, in the game instead of using potions or things like that you heal with things like hamburgers, ect.

27:55 The reason of why It says he appeared late is because in the original game he was one of the first enemies in the game and the easiest. There was some encaunters with him because the game used flags to make you not die from status in cutscenes and the game only put this falgs down when you entered a battle, so thats why there were some in certain parts of the game.

28:55 In the original game this guys also appeared and did the same things they do in the fangame, being a cult and wanting to paint the world blue.

33:15 In the original game this also appeared, and you could also pay as much as you want.

37:04 This guy was the one who you had to pay to remove some special status like "Diamondized" who basically made you unable to do anything or "Possessed" or "Stone".

37:23 In the original game when someone gets taken out you need to go to the hospital and get then "out of sleep" by paying to the doctor, however of course, you don't need this in deltarune .

38:26 Yeah this also appeared in Earthbound.

43:03 Funny enough this ALSO happened if you didn't have the badge with you, you just instantly lose in the original game.

48:23 This also happened in the original game, Ness comes and saves Paula, but before Paula joins Ness needs to defeat Carpinter for the key to the cell and Paula gives him the badge so he doesn't instantly dies however here susie just explodes the door and Paula joins, the cave in the original isn't blocked off, so here It was so you actually need to see the rest of the history.

And I will stop now and continue the next day, the rest of the comment will be writen like a response for this comment if anyone is interested I have to see this video another time for this comment, good video Merg!
