Who is DC Comics' Xa-Du? Kryptonian 'Phantom King'

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This video explores the abilities, powers, and origin of the DC Comics character "Xa-Du." From being a doctor on Krypton that was researching the field of suspended animation, being the first to be condemned to the Phantom Zone by the Kryptonian Science Council, vowing revenge on Superman's father Jor-El and the entire House of El, developing an "Ecto-Suit" that allowed him to leave the Phantom Zone to re-enter the normal dimension, building a Phantom Zone headquarters called Aethyropolis and a ship named Val-Kon, multiple run-ins with Krypto, Superman, Psi (Gayle Marsh), Supergirl, Batgirl, and the Justice League, to allying himself with Brainiac, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Vyndktvx, and the future supervillain group Anti-Superman Army; Let's take a look at this DC supervillain, enemy of Superman, and the first one condemned to the infamous Phantom Zone. This includes a short, canon character biography and my own opinionated "Sage Rating," which I use to give ratings of comic books and science fiction characters.