Love is so Important | If You Love someone, You will be Loyal to him or her | Markas

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My dear friends

In 1 Corinthians 13

God gives us the list of the ways

in which we are to think and

act toward others.

They are the ways of love.

You may try to be patient

with one person,

but the next minute you may be rude

and angry with another.

The trouble is that

we are looking for this love in the wrong place

in our own natural hearts

and we will not find it there.

My dear friends

all these qualities of Love are found in one person

only our Lord Jesus Christ is perfect love.

Love is very patient and kind.

Love is never jealous.

It is never boastful or proud.

It is never selfish or rude.

If you love someone

you will be loyal to him or her,

no matter what the cost.

You will always believe in him or her,

always expect the best of him or her.

Love is so important, my friends.
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