This Stock Will Make Millionaires

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Jeremy Lefebvre
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Financial Education

Created by Jeremy Lefebvre

LMK if you know any stocks to buy now or stocks to watch!
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I started my portfolio last year with SCHD, VOO, and VUG after inheriting $300k. In terms of share price, VOO is up! and VUG is doing even better. What stock do you think has the best chance to 10x in 5 years?


You called it Guru..i put $15k in SHOP aug 22' up $43k in gains....have i told YOU Thank You lately...the schooling you have provided me is priceless!!!


I’ve been diligently working, saving and contributing towards financial freedom and early retirement, but the economy so far since the pandemic has eaten away most of my portfolio, what I want to know is this: Do I keep contributing to my portfolio in these unstable markets or do I look into alternative sectors.


The upcoming end-of-year stock market rally, along with the current one, has me pumped. I’ve been working double shifts and continuously buying more shares and Bitcoin. I’m grateful as my portfolio has grown by $300k so far this year.


Thank you Jeremy!!!! Im up 60%. And thats with some noob mistakes of my own making. I could be up over 100% if i had listened to you on Palantir! Thank you so much ❤


10, 000 shares of Honest at 1.50. I'm a very happy shareholder.


The stock market is a way to hedge against inflation. Most notably amidst recession, investors need to understand where and how to allocate funds to hedge against inflation and still make profits.


I'm a pround Hnst shareholder! I bought 3k shares at 2.68 in June, I'm elated


I really wanted to buy the dip in 22 but I made some stupid decisions in 21 and I got stuck. A great lesson I learned from then to now is sometimes you need to cut the losses and invest in better value companies. Also that you should invest but keep something around for new investments.

And that's when I met this financial advisor...nah not really. Too many bot on these videos, lol.


I just have to applaud your content man, well done. Long term investor's know that the market and economy will recover eventually, and investors should be positioned for such a rebound, I gained $180k from bitcoin of 2021. Before the market crash and now am buying again, adding more at a time. Having a good financial advisor like Catherine Gauthier, it will add to your success in the crypto market.


My favorite content creator strikes again… HNSTly 😊


Jeremy, you are the very FIRST channel that I ever subscribed to and that was only back in July. Your stock picking ability has been UNBELIEVABLE to say the least. If Fubo and the Planet end up hitting, wow, they need to write articles or even a book about you and your abilities in the market. Or maybe write your own?!? Appreciate EVERYTHING that you do for us out here watching. I very much look forward to your videos EACH and every day. Flap jacks be flippin’!!!


You are right about buying every share in sight when market is down 35% I regret not buying more of everything I bought and the stocks I talked myself out of buying thinking it would drop at some point never did they just kept running.


Some people saying you are a scammer…….I dont Think so even if you make a lot om subscribers etc…….you have brought up so many stockWinners and many of us have been making good Money by your inspiration. Thankyou man !


Dude all your positions are popping off


I'm ecstatic with the outcome of the election and the year-end market surge. Which hidden jewels in the upcoming bull run would you buy with a 100K right now? My goal is to position myself for a prosperous Q1 in 2025.


Let’s me Honest Jeremy, it’s you that’s making investors rich buddy ❤


23:00 Unfortunately, 2022 was a year in which I had no money to invest. Feb 2024 has been my first investment, so I am taking what I can. Is it life changing money so far? No, but still I have made 23% so far this year of basically free money.
Damn me if I am sad because I only get a little free money instead of a lot of free money.
I am happy that I started, but a part of me wishes that I could have started in 2022. My back test current position calculation says that I had started in Feb 2023 instead of Feb 2024 with my same portfolio, I would have needed to invest 1/3 of what I had invested now to get the same amount of total value.
But again, I have to be happy because I still made some free money.
Comparison is the thief of joy!
P.S: On the other hand, AMZN is my biggest position, with 26% of my portfolio, so once that baby starts to roll it is going to be great.


I am a btc . holder who is very confident, the more it dips is the more opportunity to add to my holdings. To me it genuinely felt like everything has been selling off for literally no reason, I mean companies with enough cash on hand to pay off debt like NVDA, PLTR and many others... This is the time to buy I mean many altcoins are down over 50% off their highs and in the dumpster, I've been buying continuously and am gonna continue to buy as cash comes in because there is a huge rally waiting to happen.Thanks a lot to Milton Harper, I was able to implement his method and adhere to his guidance, earning almost 9B TC in few weeks.... Thanks to Milton for informing me, I no longer hold the view that the only meaningful investments are in stocks and real estate.


56, 200+ subscribers strong!! New all time high. Thanks for being here
