CAN THE POLICE SEIZE MY CAR? - Community Legal Education

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Part of the Police Powers series.

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Having been threatened, by a very aggressive police officer, that he could seize my motorcycle as it might not be insured, it is useful to know these facts. In my case, it was insured, MOTd and newly taxed, but the insurance company had typed the number "0" instead of letter "o". He was VERY aggressive, shouting etc. I felt he was trying to provoke me. He eventually returned and barked that it was insured. The other police officers present thanked me for staying calm NB They were all armed, and it was part of a discriminatory operation against The Bulldog Bash motorcycle event.
Sometimes the police are their own worst enemies.


My car was seized by the police the other day for obstruction of a highway. It was parked on my driveway which is quite a steep slope and over the course of the evening the handbrake slipped and it rolled out onto the road, it’s a single track dead end road. I got up at 12.30am to use the toilet and noticed blue lights outside so looked out the window to my car in the road and the police car next to it. I got dressed and went outside where the officer suggested the handbrake had slipped and rolled off the driveway. As I’d had a couple of drinks before I went to bed and wasn’t sure if I’d pass a breathaliser test I handed the officer my keys and asked if he could pull the car off the road back onto my driveway. He took the keys then refused to move it as he stated it might not be safe to drive. It’s has current mot and is quite a nice motor. I asked him to help me push it, he refused. Another member of the public showed up trying to get home who offered to move it, the officer refused him, he offered to tow it, the officer refused, he offered to help me push it, the officer wouldn’t let him. Half an hour later a tow truck turned up and the car was seized and towed. Me and my partner had to take the day off work the next day and drive 50 miles and pay £200 to get it out of the impound… where do you think I stand here?


do the british people not have full cover of public liability within british national insurance as they are a british national and the right to pass freely WITHOUT-LET OR HINDERANCE granted by h.m secretary of state as in inner page of british passport
