Hamas In Gaza Strip - Explained

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United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs -
UNRWA (united nations relief and works agency) Facts & Figures on Gaza
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What about their attacks and how their charter speaks of Jihad?!


How are they on that tiny piece of land doing all this? Doesn’t hamas and hezbollah have about 35, 000+ rockets and missiles in arsenal?


Children attending schools run by the Palestinian Authority are routinely presented with books and maps that deny the existence of Israel; one 12th Grade textbook is typical in referring to “the so-called State of Israel”, and accompanying the lesson with a map depicting all of present-day Israel wrapped in a Palestinian flag and pierced by a key, symbolizing ownership. Children’s television programs reinforce this message: the Palestinian Authority’s educational program Best Home teaches kids “there is no such thing as Israel”. Hamas’ Tomorrow’s Pioneers kids’ TV show instructs “There is no Israel; only Palestine”. Dr. Yvette Alt Miller


Kindly Increase the time to at least 5 min, Don't try to give black and white Solutions to grey issues


Hamas never advocated for a long-term ceasefire with Israel... Quite the opposite


Hamas does not advocate a long term cease fire with Israel. This is a lie.


“We don’t want peace, we want victory. Peace for us means Israel’s destruction and nothing else.”
Yasser Arafat


Terrorists you forget to mention they are terrorists


I guess this video isn`t the best, its not describing Hamas the way it should
they don`t want to take back the the whole land for themselves! they are to resist israeli occupation, and bring back all Palestine back to Palestinians .
the way it should be .
and what Fateh is now doing (thought its not what they started as) Fateh(Abbas) now wants to keep on with the negotiations with an occupation -illegal settlers !
witch makes no sense when you are kicked out of your home / your cousins/parents/friends are being killed by them! 

though I liked some of your other videos .but this one is not very good
Long Live Palestine 


political movement? you have got to be kidding me.


Nearly a year after he failed to achieve a deal at Camp David, former president Bill Clinton gave vent to his frustrations this week over the collapse of peace in the Mideast. And Clinton directed his ire at one man: Yasir Arafat. On Tuesday night, Clinton told guests at a party at the Manhattan apartment of former U.N. ambassador Richard Holbrooke and his wife, writer Kati Marton, that Arafat called to bid him farewell three days before he left office. "You are a great man, " Arafat said. "The hell I am, " Clinton said he responded. "I'm a colossal failure, and you made me one." Clinton said he told Arafat that by turning down the best peace deal he was ever going to get-the one proffered by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and brokered by Clinton last July-the Palestinian leader was only guaranteeing the election of the hawkish Ariel Sharon, the current Israeli leader. But Arafat didn't listen. Sharon was elected in a landslide Feb. 6 and has gradually escalated his crackdown on the Palestinians despite a shaky ceasefire negotiated two weeks ago by CIA chief George Tenet. Clinton said, somewhat surprisingly, that he never expected to close the deal at Camp David. But he made it clear that the breakdown of the peace process and the nine months of deadly intifada since then were very much on his mind. He described Arafat as an aging leader who relishes his own sense of victimhood and seems incapable of making a final peace deal. "He could only get to step five, and he needed to get to step 10, " the former president said. But Clinton expressed hope in the younger generation of Palestinian officials, suggesting that a post-Arafat Palestinian leader might be able to make peace, perhaps in as little as several years. "I'm just sorry I blew this Middle East" thing, Clinton said shortly before leaving. "But I don't know what else I could have done." -- Newsweek - By Michael Hirsh On 6/26/01 at 8:00 PM EDT.


In 1917, says this Arab historian on official PA TV, there was no such thing as a Palestinian people. This statement amounts to saying that the whole narrative of an ‘indigenous Palestinian people’ was made up at a later point in time. As Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad speaking on Al-Hekma TV said in March 2012: “Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis. Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians…” MIDA


Who’s here because of the war between hamas and Israel


If they advocate long term ceasefire, wouldn't it make sense to stop firing rockets after Israel agrees to one?


Lmao, ya Hammas wants a ceasefire.  When there is nothing left alive to shoot at.


I have to go shopping in a minute, see if I can find some Israeli products, maybe a box of dates or something,  just my little contribution.


No such thing as "Palestinian land" they lost it the war they started the night they got it.


Advocates a long term ceasefire WITH A COUNTRY THEY DO NOT RECOGNIZE?


اللَّهُمَّ آتِ نَفْسِي تَقْوَاهَا وَزَكِّهَا أَنْتَ خَيْرُ مَنْ زَكَّاهَا، أَنْتَ وَلِيُّهَا وَمَوْلَاهَا


How can Hamas and its supporters around the world continue to complain about poverty and misery when new shopping malls and supermarkets filled with clothes and various types of luxury goods are being opened every few weeks in the Gaza Strip? --- Bassam Tawil is a Muslim Arab based in the Middle East.
