June 2024 Monthly Buzz

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Honey season is here! Blake covered several topics in the bee yard and classroom and discussed the latest news about allegedly skyrocketing number of beehives in the USA. Chari finished out the night with bottling and selling honey. Plus, Dr. Jamie Ellis chimed in with what to do about brood in honey supers!

June Topics Covered:
- Preserving Comb with Certan
- Supering & Flow Update
- Slow Growing Hives
- Producing Comb Honey
- Treatment Free Mite Control
- Bottling & Selling Honey
- Spring feeding, supering & treating
-LIVE Q&A & More!

Sign up to watch live and ask questions next month at:

2024 Summer Bees

Drone Frame:

Queen Isolation Frame:

Complete Supplement

Metal SHB Trap:

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so good, thank you so much! loved the bottling and selling section, lots of great information.


I’m from Canada I watch alote of your stuff your a good guy for taking time out of your life to talk about bees


Great show y’all!
First year apiary with 2 nucs from a local apiary.
Love the channel and the store.


I'm in the eastern foothills of NC and my honey production is double what I had last year. It has been an amazing year for me. Obviously in a sweet not make a quart next year!! 😆


Awesome video. I treat with chemicals but I thought the mechanical method of mite management was really cool!
Only on my second season so I may try that one next season.


One recommendation use special thin wax foundation for comb honey not standard wax foundation. Like the sound of your fume hoard. Juat ordered 2 to try.


Can you add a link for the moth treatment?


Blake this was great I did notice you were not using q excluders do u do this on all your hives, this was the first year that I ever used them Questions is there a map that shows that the flow it is over I am in Virginia and it is over here I pulled the suppers I have more hives and just got what I got last year.I wanted 600 lbs because of the numbers I had and I had drawn comb as well. But got 330 lbs I judge the weight by the 5 gal buckets the internet says a 5 gal weight of honey is 60lb. On the honey I will never get a lot because of the location I am in a city . Chari what do u do with air bubbles from the extracting process. I extract in my kitchen and I do hook up fans and a dehumidifier for 2 days before I extract, and you just said the honey is hot and that causes suds and bubbles, I had been using a 4 frame crank extractor now I have a 18 frame electric and it causes air bubbles is there a way to stop it. when I used a hand crank there was not much suds or bubbles but I could not get all the honey out of the frames either. Next question for Blake with the certan that you spray on your frames do u have to bag them or can you just stack them on the back pourch till next year. That was a good idea on the light bulb in the freezer for the honey. anyway thanks hope all of you have a grest week


My concern about increase of losses is the increase of inferior queens produced in emergencie cells by bees and man using the worker egg, that queen needs to bee replaced every year! A queen lays a superior egg in a swarm cell that is larger than the worker egg making a superior queen to take her place and can live for years!
