What If Everyone Gets $1,000 Monthly From UBI?

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What if everyone gets $1000 monthly from UBI
In this video, we are discussing universal basic income otherwise known as UBI and what would happen if everyone got $1000 monthly for a prolonged amount of time. This is a great question that was recently brought to our attention. universal basic income is sending out a specified dollar amount to every single person for a specified amount of time. Universal basic income has been tried in some countries around the globe, but never here in the United States. However, there are multiple guaranteed basic income programs which are very similar to universal basic income which send out ongoing monthly checks to specified groups of people rather than everyone. We are discussing the details of $1000 monthly checks through universal basic income and guaranteed basic income here in this video. On the channel we are talking about money, benefits, checks, stimulus, stimulus checks, monthly checks 

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Рекомендации по теме

I wish everyone could get 1000 more a month that are on Social Security. No Medicare getting any of it.


Law Makers Want To Take Money Away from Low Income People .. But Lawmakers Don't Do Their Jobs..


Yes Because The Wealthy Don't Need It


The Wealthy People As It Is Don't Pay There Fare Share Of Their Taxes.. So Sad


I honestly don't think they will do this uvi because Social Security is so screwed up right now


$2000 monthly for a 5 year period would be great because they been talking about giving us this amount for 4 years...We need help now not in January or February of next year...


I'd be happy with an extra $200/month just to buy food! I have no CC bills; no debt. Just rent and utilities to pay from SS check but need money for food.


UBI sounds too woo woo for many politicians. Re-name it as "Negative Income Tax" into the tax system, it will pass congress & senate in a heartbeat.


Don't think it will happen thanks for the update God bless you and family 🙏❤️


Good morning Matt. Thank you for all y’all do for us. Have a great day. ❤❤


It would be really nice if the 1, 000 dollars more with what little people already get monthly.


The Wealthy If They Got It It Would be Totally Disrespectful To The Middle Class People And Families That Need Help Fixed Income..


I'm favoured financially, Thank you Jesus $32, 000 weekly profit regardless of how bad it gets on the economy.


GBI for low income would be amazing! They won't even give us 200 more a month much less


Thank you Matt for everything you do for us on a fix income yes I think they can do it I wish they would do that for us we need it Sarah anderson


I pray 🙏 that God bless everyone financially and good health and happiness with love peace and the fruits of the spirit ✨️ and if you going through difficult time that God help you through it. I also pray for your protection that God keep you all safe. I'm hoping for better times for us all because life is short and we got to love our family and friends and enjoy life until the day our saviour takes us to Paradise Heaven. Hoping the best for all of God's creation and I pray God heal our beautiful world 🌎 cleanse the air and purify our minds and put the desire in our hearts to be a better person than we were yesterday.


$1000 more a month i'd make triple payments towards my principal every month on my mortgage and pay it off even faster, have savings for property tax, home owner's insurance that would add to every month so both would be paid in full when due, WOULDNT have those payments in escrow and toss the rest in savings as we do anyway at the end of every month with what's left over from our SSDI check.


That would be so great for everyone if it did happen


Give the $1, 000 a month to the seniors, then see how that works? Or just those on SSA with income under $75, 000 for singles!


Good evening Matt every little bit would help people out 😊.
