Faber-Castell: Colour GRIP

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Watersoluble pencils made by Faber-Castell help your child explore the world of colours. By mixing primary colours he or she will create an increasing number of new shades. Here your child can give free rein to his or her creativity and get the opportunity to invent and name new colours.

Mit den wasservermalbaren Stiften von FABER-CASTELL erkundet Ihr Kind die Welt der Farben. Wenn es die Grundfarbtöne mischt, entstehen immer neue Nuancen. Hier kann Ihr Kind seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen, denn längst nicht alle Farben haben schon einen Namen.

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Dear azzakura1, Thank you very much for your question and please excuse our late reply! We don’t advise to stroke water onto the pencil tip, as this would soften the coloured lead as well as the wood and could make your pencil unusable. Using a brush to apply water on your drawing afterwards allows you to mix the different colours and create shadow effects. When you moisten your paper before drawing on it, it will make your colours shine intensively. Many kind regards from Germany!


what's the diffrence between colour grip & watercolour pencils?


Could we stroke a few times with the brush at the pencil tip and then apply the color on the paper?


nuevos colores Colour Grip en www.papeleriasegarra.com
