Asrar rashid on Shia belief

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Imam Ali (as) didn’t name his son abu bakr because Abu bakr is a kunya and Arabs don’t name their kids kunya’s. The actual name is Muhammad bin Ali bin abi talib. There is also some debate on whether the name of his son was Umar or Amr but even if we were to say it was umar, imam Ali’s (AS) companion was named Umar bin Abi salama (um salama’s son). And you didn’t mention it, but he also had another son by the name of Uthman who was named after Uthman bin Maz'oon.
As for Imam Hassan (as), his son ‘Umar’ was actually named Amr, not Umar.


😂 sunni argument... he named his children abu bakr and umar and uthman ... therefore he loved them, therefore we follow ahlul bayt in aqeeda.😂😂😂


Rubbish argument. These names were very common back then in Arabia. After permanent schism, we shias stopped having these names.
