Basics: Cleaning out a clogged nozzle!

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As you 3D print more and more frequently, clogged or partially blocked nozzles actually get rarer as you learn how to avoid them. But if you do manage to get yourself a blocked nozzle, here's how to fix it!

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I'm a little late to the print party, but this video is the only one that I found that was helpful and simple. I had tried the needle method to break up the clog, but I never tried it repeatedly while intermittently running the filament through. That helped a ton, and the clog was gone after a few tries. It really sucks getting close to finished on a big project only to have gaps in the print. Thanks for taking the time to post this.


I had a print fail 60 hours in, 2 hours away from finishing because of a clog...


Great video. I tried watching 10 different videoson this topic and this one was by far the most concise and professional. Thank you.


I personally take a little fire torch and melt the platic inside until there is nothing left. Always worked for me! I'm relatively new to the hobby tho but it's awesome. I'm an Engineering student so while I suffer in school, I use my printer to feel better haha.


thanks for the tips on how to keep the nozzles clear. I had one clog, again I assume it was because I used really cheap filament. I was going to spend time cleaning the nozzle only to find that amazon sells 36 nozzles(for the ender 3) for $10 CAD... approx 28 cents each... so I went that route. Again appreciate this video....


I use guitar wire; The thinnest wire is stiff enough to push up into a blocked nozzle. I also feed it in through the bowden and use the ribbed section of the wire to catch hold of molten plastic blockage and pull it out as it cools then I pull or snip off the wire blob and start again. Works for me although I'll try your Stare Down Technique if I run out of strings.


By far the best 3D printing information channel around.


Just used your technique to clear the hotend and it worked LIKE A CHARM! Thanks so much for the very clear instructions! I also ordered the nozzle/hotend cleaning kit you described, so I have more needles on hand.


The 'stare down' always works for me.. :-)


Thanks so much!! I just received my first 3D printer today, a Neptune 3 Pro, and your tip helped me clean out the nozzle's factory-test goo. My first print is printing right now, and the little Buddha/Budai is turning out beautifully.


i was struggling about using a blowtorch, then your vid made me remember that i have an heat gun.... dude u saved my day! ty!


Also try to avoid doing what I just did and don't knock over your cup spilling acetone over your entire desk while following along the video on your computer.


Looking around for a thin enough needle, I found the lancets used for blood tests are the right size for a .04 nozzle. Worked for me, cleared the jam. :)


Thank you for the tips. I common sensed most of this on my own a few days ago, but it’s great to get confirmation that I was doing it correctly. Also, I did not know that needle was for cleaning the nozzle. I suspected it but when it didn’t fit initially I went on to other methods.


This video still is one of the best to target simple solutions. Just did two "cold" pulls per your suggested steps and voila, back up and running. Thanks


As folks mentioned previously, a non-wound guitar string works well in place of a needle. A guitar string size 013 (.013") = .330mm, fits a .4mm nozzle well without been too flexible.


I had what seemed to be a clog nozzle that turned out to be caused by a fractured solder joint on the small pbc in the extruder head assembly of my FlashForge Finder. The fracture caused a resistance that lowered the current to the heater, which varied the wattage. The LCD does not show the temperature status once the print starts, so you have no idea the temp has dropped the melting point needed to push the filament out the nozzle. Thanks for the quality videos and content.


Great video! used both the needle and cold pull. Started printing and so far so good!


Thomas, Thanx again!
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It was also - my first on Youtube, thanks to You, just because:
1. this particular maintenance IS very painful and usually unexpected to ANY 3D-newcomer,
2. it could happen to anyone owning a 3D-printer,
3. You personally deserved it ;-)

Keep it Up!


Very awesome channel. When I'm staying up all night working making 3d merch, I watch. Helpful because it just came on when I was switching out nozzles. First time, good to hear more about it.
