Move Into Action! | Bob Proctor

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Don Shula the coach of the old Miami Dolphins, he said it's the start that stops most people. And he's right, it is the start that stops most people.

You're always going to get ready to get set to get going. What we've gotta do is boom, just like that move into action. See if you don't get started, you're never gonna get finished. How do we do that? Start early. I believe when you wake up you should get up. The second you wake up get your feet, hit the floor, move into action.

And you know you'd be wise of you sit down at night, before you go to bed, and write down six goal achieving activities. Now that isn't going to the store, and go to the bank, or get the cleaning, it's not that.

These are goal achieving activities, write down six of them. And when you wake up in the morning, you move into action. You know where you're gonna go, you don't even have to think about it. Step into action and get on the first one. When you get it done, forget it and go to the second one.

Don't think about the first one, focus on two, don't even think about three. When you get two done, go to three. But knock them off one at a time, if you don't get them all done, just move them over on to the next day. Now that doesn't mean if you only get three done that you have nine the next day, they're three of the six you're gonna do the next day.

Six-goal achieving activities, and when you wake up in the morning move into action on them. Quit holding yourself back, don't wait. You're saying well I really don't know how I'm going to. Get started, and the way will show itself, it just appears. I have found when you get started when you move into action everything starts to happen around you.

Is the start stopping you?

After all, you are hard-wired to act. To grow. To achieve. It’s in your DNA.

Think about it.

The moment the first breath of life filled your lungs, you sprang into action.

The first thing you did was set out to get something to eat. When you were fed, you were very satisfied.

But soon, you wanted more, and you started to pursue bigger goals and do bigger things. You started to sit up, to crawl, to walk and to talk. Think of the satisfaction, pride, and joy that came with your first word or first step.

However, that satisfaction soon wore off and dissatisfaction set in again. You wanted to put words and steps together.

You kept wanting to accomplish more and do greater things. That’s natural.

And that natural desire to start something new—to be, do and have more—is supposed to continue throughout your lifetime.

However, sometimes your “wiring” gets short-circuited and you become complacent. You might think you should be satisfied with what you have or be so afraid of losing what you already have that you won’t take any chances. During those times, you lose the motivation and joy of growing.

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