Playing 100 Games of Guilty Gear Strive as a Noob

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Sol Badguy is generally a hard character to play and experience when i have little to no skill in Guilty gear Strive. He reminds me of a rushdown character. But it was really fun learning!

I want to get more people into playing competitive ranked queue because its really fun, don't let your performance stop you from playing ranked and improving yourself.

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What game should I do next? (Doesn’t have to be a fighting game)


5:40 "I hate how grapplers do so much damage" nobody tell him what character he's playing


when i saw the 4 consecutive gunflames i knew he was ready


13:17 "when shes on top of me, its super hard" ludvix 2024


29:22 seeing you mixup this Elphelt got me genuinely excited I literally audibly went "EMPTY HOP THROW? HES GETTING IT!" As someone who spends way too much time watching tournament runs I felt super invested watching you do high low mix from doing 2K 2D and then jumping H only to just be like "hes blocking a lot let me just fake a high into a throw" was great to see and it just shows not only the learning process but also just what goes into the moment to moment gameplay


13:01 Ah yes, my favorite fighting game character, Sol BadDude


"millia's mixups aren't even that good"

the mixups: 12:22


I haven't even watched the video yet, but i so appreciate that you make these. I love your help and contributions to showing people that fighting games are fun, but it's a learning process. I hope you enjoy making these videos, too. Thanks a lot!!


You called Millia unfair? You don't have a slightest of idea what you've done. You have summoned HIM! HE is coming!

RIP Konakon, thank you for all the buffs she got.


Pick a character, learn what some good moves to use are, practice a combo or two, learn system mechanics one at a time…THIS is the way to get into a fighting game


Hope you stick with it more it's a super fun game awesome video <3


Crazy there was no happy chaos this entire time


"ky felt like a honest character" 😭😭😭😭


Really good video! 👍

So with Bridgets yoyo setting moves she actually has to pick whether it hits on the way out or on return. If it hits on the way out you can tell because it'll have flames coming off of it while it travels, while the one that hits on return will not have the effect while it's going out. Additionally, her having the yoyo set out unlocks that crazy blanka ball move she has, so when the yoyo is set that's when you need to be ready for that move. It's easy to beat the move out in neutral if she's being impatient with it, but she has a lot of ways to cancel it into tons of different moves, it's what makes her corner mix so infamous.

Even though it doesn't look like it, Sols Night Raid Vortex actually low profiles so low that it can go under Potemkins laser wall projectile. Only him and I-No have the ability to do that. Your other options are to try to super jump over it (quickly input down then up) and air dash, or just block it and hold the mix. Other characters have their own unique options against it tho like Bridget can set a yoyo really high up and then jump and roll to it and Potemkin has almost no chance of catching her in the act.

Also projectiles like Potemkins wall and Goldlewis's laser can't cross up! Even if you're in between the opponent and the projectile you just need to hold away from the opponent and the projectile will be blocked too. Also for Goldewis if you can side switch before the laser reaches you it'll make it a little harder for him to play off of the laser. Also regarding the matchup, Goldlewis does have pretty bad defense but he still does have a frame 5 mash and a reversal super so he's not fucked, and his offense feels almost perfectly tuned to screw over DP characters like Sol. Sols defense is infamous as being super baby mode but Goldlewis has tricks to deal with it. Goldewis j.D also is apparently really hard for Sol to beat is what I've heard.

You don't really wanna use Sols command grab super unless you wanna be silly. It's really easy to jump over it if you know what's happening. His other super is great tho it's a reversal and a good move to break the wall with.

Yeah Bridget HATES low profiles. She has the tools to answer back but if you just let 1 vortex rip into a full combo it hurts her so much cuz of how little health she has. Faust also is the only character in the game who can crawl and his crawl hurtbox is microscopic. My main practice partner is a Faust main and I have to restructure my neutral and corner pressure so much vs that char. But uh about Sol vs Bridget I think both chars hate the matchup mutually lmao.

Also Testaments pronouns are they/them :)


Def would show my friends this video having someone go through the learning process and explaining how to play Sol in small sections while showing actual gameplay and not being super technical is great! ❤❤


Really enjoyed watching this! Happy to see a fellow Sol main

Some points:

1. Yes, the bandit revolver being misinputed as grab happens all the time, which is why we do [half circle forward K] instead of [quarter circle forward K].

2. The main way to fight elphelt is to not let her get into the mix specials and basically hit her out of it with [forward punch]. She can only enter it safely with [standing heavyslash] or [forward heavyslash] (the one where she does the 1 pistol shot, and the one where she clumsily falls forward). I recommend watching Hotashi's video on "how to beat elphelts rekka" because he explains it very well.

3. May's dolphin spam is very interactable, if she does the fast one, you can press a quick attack afterwards (its minus). If she does the slower one, you interrupt it when it flies at you (with forward punch, the universal anti air) but dont attack if you block it (its plus).

4. With characters that can attack from both sides, you only need to block away from the character itself, not from every attack from every side.

5. I see you discovered the joy of clean hit H volcanic viper
A very simple combo you can do when you get a counter hit close slash is: [Close slash > dash cancel > close slash > heavy volcanic viper]. It's incredibly consistent and does like 50% of their health (seriously, its absurd), just make sure that the 'dash cancel' makes you leave a fiery trail after the close slash, or else it wont be a proper dash cancel.

If you wanna learn more, the sol discord is VERY welcoming, active, and helpful! Don't be shy, just google it and you'll find it right away.


Some things that a I want to tell you:
- Use 6P, universal antiair

- RC after Dust, secure overhead and combo potencial

- You can block the Burst, so you can bait a hit and wait for the burst, he will be vulnerable until touch the floor

- You can RC any move that made you vulnerable and evade o counter an opponent's attack

- You can dash just before the RC to move to that direction (front, back, up and down)

- After Bandit Revolver try RC, if it hits, you can extend with closeS > jump > j. S > j. H > j. D
If Bandit Revolver doesn't hit, after the de RC is 50/50, press P just after the RC and it will be an overhead or wait a little a do 2K to lowprofile, or can mix up with jump and wait reaction

- You can cancel 5K and closeS into a jump (works on almost every character)

- RC after Vortex and there's no whiff and even you can punish the reaction

- Use the command grab to mix

- You use Volcanic Viper after they block Bandit Bringer, but it's risky, just block it's the best option most of the time

Maybe there are some things that I forgot but this would be enough to start


Dude i love watching you try new things out, be willing to be bad and grow through it. Sick content, appreciate you very much


I like how ludvix went from a smash only channel to a general fighting game channel

kof when?


Man your videos about being a noob in fighting games are literally a blessing from god to people like me I’m so grateful for them, I’m trying to decide which fighting game I want ro play between Street fighter 6, Tekken 8, and guilty gear and those are so helpful
