The New Tori Mode Bar.... (Update 8)

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Tori mode bar shouldn't drain when OUT of combat. Half form shouldn't drain as fast as full form. Bar should be auto filled when first joining a server.
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Tori mode bar shouldn't drain when OUT of combat. Half form shouldn't drain as fast as full form. Bar should be auto filled when first joining a server.


The mythical flying fruit cannot fly unless you farm NPCS, what a joke


Full form should take mode and half form stamina


we should just make it drain stamina when you're out of mode bar


Half form shouldn’t require mode, neither stamina, a good change would be making phoenix full form EXTREMELY GOOD just like Venom, that would make sense, otherwise remove the stupid bar.


they forgot that tori is mythical fruit


Changes tori could have since it’s a mythical fruit:
- Half form shouldn’t require more bar
- Full form should be strong, maybe make phoenix burst block break in full form
- Slightly decrease the transformation time for tori full form. Just look at venom..
- Make us able to carry party members on our back or with our claws in full form
- Add phoenix brand or another ranged move without the need to transform into half or full form


Half form shouldn't require a mode bar, the devs were smoking something with that one.


Devs love to make Tori confusing 😔 at least there’s no stam drain w vid


am ngl it killed tori pve wise, now i cant farm as i want it should autofill slowly and half shouldnt need a form bar tbh so it have a use


we need more ppl commenting and making videos abt this bar so thay Phoeyu and the devs listens that this was actually a really bad addition
correction: it's not a really bad addition but it's a nad implementation to tori since now u need to deal damage to even gain access to the weaker transformed attacks.
for me it should recharge automatically AT LEAST


The difference between the Diable, Gear 2 and Venom mode bars and Tori's mode bar is that in the first 3, the mode is basically an awakening that changes the entire moveset, and you can use them normally in base. Tori, however, *needs* the mode to function, the mode is literally the main part of the fruit and without it you can only use two moves, it's not an "awakening" like the others, it's literally a necessity for Tori to function properly, so the fact you need to attack NPCs to fill it up instead of being able to go into it at any time is just dumb. My friend had to switch to Pika after trying to get tori for over a year ever since he started playing, all because Tori became unusable with the mode bar


Tori half form should drain stamina like old one, only Full forme uses transformation bar


To fix tori they should let mode bar auto.regenerate, make toris mode run out 2x slower, and give talon form new moves in the x and c slot


The devs dont know what to do with tori bro😭


They gotta either return half form to stamina drain or give base form a new move on the X slot cause filling mode bar with no AOE when grinding with others is impossible


Half form is fucking useless, there is LITERALLY no point to using it. I agree with the "needing mode to transform" because it prevents from like spamming moves and stuff, but even then I think you should be able to transform *into* half form, then using half form abilities, you can transform into full form and finally use the powerful phoenix moves. It's like working your way up to it. But even then, after transforming into half, half shouldn't take any mode at all and it should let you farm for your mode so you can actually fucking use the other moves.

Absolutely poorly executed as usual Phoeyu.


Healing should take more stamina rn cus it's insane when like 100 stamina restores full 1200 hp
And Im not talking about this video but like I think if u add more into devil fruit it will heal more


tori really needs some justice. my favourite fruit since a long time and its sad to see it unusable because only the tori moves give mode bar. it needs to be a global mode gain (not just off of tori moves) and then also why the hell does the half form take mode?? (it takes way too much anwyays)
another suggestion i agreed with: make it so we can carry allies with our claws in full form


Why does tori have a mode bwr or even stam drain? Its a zoan what is their defining trait? They trwnsform phoeyu fix ur game smh stop making zoan transformations cost stamina of giving them bars smh
