Rebecca Goldstein on Philosophy and Neuroscience | Closer To Truth Chats

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Rebecca Goldstein discusses the communication, or lack thereof, between neuroscience and philosophy regarding the hard problem of consciousness.

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Rebecca Newberger Goldstein is a novelist and Professor of Philosophy. She has written ten books, a number of short stories and essays, and biographical studies of mathematician Kurt Gödel and philosopher Baruch Spinoza.

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She has it completely backward because she's a materialist. Matter is not capable of consciousness. Matter exists as objects WITHIN consciousness; consciousness is primary.


No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein. ❤️🙏selfhelpchampion


Sorry I didn’t understand what she is talking about. Only me?


Is consciousness and being conscious of say....bad plastic surgery... the same thing or not?


I agree with Rebecca, 'matter' is a mysterious thing!


Hello Mr Lawrence, and Miss Golqdstein. "Hum butan nikind" have always say that Civilisation was their before and after the "Déluge " sorry for the french. I say the Noé flood arrond 15 thousen years to 35 thousen when the two différents "sepcices" did a nucléaire war, ho yes. We get proff of it. I will take a pictures when I arrive home. Of this "preuve". Nice hein, . I got IT at this is posive Wright. How mutch temple and pyramide ARE All over the planet. All pointing "Orion" Mr Lawrence and. Miss Goldstein Why this question . I sugess archéologist, Who some unknow philantrope Who are close and fight.the "Vatican" since what they Do to the "templier" the Word "angles" this I should be"
" Burn" juste for that . This is the real reasone About inquisition .lol 😎 s'insère saluations philippe Martin. Some. People on this planet STILL closer to "Templiers" lol.I guess those Nice people. Juste know what they have to do. Lol 👼 Angel Angel Angel...ha, ha I m probably in big problème now. PS is the part of history and I confirme with the pictures. Good Day.


How can matter give rise to this (*holding my hands in the air like mind exploded*) could be described in another way, it's simply the question how energy can give rise to anything real, solid like and stable enough to be experienced. It's because universe is not things inside other things, in platonic sense of a word. Nature is not made from lego bricks, those are very energetic and infinitely small dots we're talking about. Nobody knows exactly what's going on, all we have are theories, ideas and left overs from thousands of years old mystic and occult believes. But if we face the music and understand what kind of magic universe really is, it's OK to be alive and conscious, i can't see why miracles as that shouldn't be possible when everything else in existence is weird as it is and can't be any other way.
So perhaps we should stop wondering what is brains, how they work and why, let's just use them and see what else is possible. It might be we'll never know, it's atoms and stuff we're talking about, unimaginable numbers connect in totally unexpected ways and nobody knows what's going on in that enormous chaotic bowl we call head, i wouldn't be surprised if it's just not possible to understand natural complexity on deepest levels. So what, we can do so many other things, play around with biology or try to make our own rules, it works, it's not life but something else.


as i later learned bertrand russell's of inclination which is what is being broadcast to us in the survival of this question even with all that we learn is that the mystery is in so much consciousness the the mystery is matter and that we are we don't know all that there is to know about matter because matter is capable of this

-> And why does nobody talk about it? Because we know quite a bit about the qualities of metals that make quantum physical phenomena possible.
Dominion Knowledge? So the epoch of the Enlightenment is ideology, rather than the improvement of knowledge for decisions about being and becoming?


I still subscribe to neutral monism of Bertrand Russell, Ernst Mach, and William James.


if dont know anything about...why to make video....huh?...
