JAGER PRO® TV | HOG CONTROL RECON #hogcontrol #wildhogs #jagerpro

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This short focuses on our mission to remove sounders of wild hogs from properties across the southeastern United States.

Our M.I.N.E.® Trapping System and Integrated Wild Pig Control® approach prove to be the most efficient product and process for controlling feral swine populations expending the least amount of fuel, time and labor. Eliminating the entire sounder prevents any pig from escaping, surviving, reproducing or being educated to our Integrated Wild Pig Control® approach.

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Best 30 seconds of my life sitting and watching absolutely nothing with no idea what the context is. I love it keep it up.


The round thing is supposed to fall in cash them like a cage


Its a trap they feeding the pigs so alot show up everyday more and more go inside and eat finally when trappers are ready they set the trap and catch all the pigs in that area.
