How to Generate Permanent Access token in WhatsApp Cloud API 2024 | Access token debugger | New 2024

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Creating a Permanent Access Token
Knowing that you need to use a bearer token in the Authorization header of an HTTP request is helpful, but it’s not enough. The only access token you’ve seen so far is temporary. Chances are that you want your app to access the API for more than 24 hours, so you need to generate a longer-lasting access token.

Fortunately, the Meta for Developers platform makes this easy. All you need to do is add a System User to your business account to obtain an access token you can use to continue accessing the API. To create a system user, do the following:

Go to Business Settings.

Select the business account your app is associated with.
Below Users, click System Users.
Click Add.
Name the system user, choose Admin as the user role, and click Create System User.
Select the whatsapp_business_messaging permission.
Click Generate New Token.
Copy and save your token.

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My WhatsApp cloud API is working from the meta console but message is not sending using postman although it throw 200 success


If you please, I am a beginner programmer and interested in the subject of sending WhatsApp messages and I use the c# language to link with WhatsApp Business
I made a WhatsApp business account and everything is fine
I added a number to my transmitter
Added an accepted payment method
I added a manager user and got a permanent configuration out of it
The problem is when I send a message to a number and this number there is no message between me and him the message does not arrive i mean the number I send to send me a message on the sending number to the one who is upset on WhatsApp business because I can send him a message
please help me what do i want to do because when i send a message to any number the message arrives


The list of permissions do not appear to me as it does to you at 3:02
