MEGALOPOLIS – Red Carpet – Anglais – Cannes 2024

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The 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival was an incredible evening on the steps, as Francis Ford Coppola's latest film "Megalopolis" premiered. A planetary event starring Adam Driver, Giancarlo Esposito, Nathalie Emmanuel, Aubrey Plaza , Grace Vanderwaal, Talia Shire, Romy Mars, Laurence Fishburne, Jon Voight, DB Sweeney, Shia LaBeouf and Kathryn Hunter !
#cannes2024 #FestivalDeCannes #Cannes #Cinéma #Cannesfilmfestival #star #redcarpet #adamdriver #cannesfilm #actor #acteur #icon #montéedesmarches #francisfordcoppola #coppola #giancarloesposito #nathalieemmanuel #aubreyplaza #gracevanderwaal #taliashire #romymars #laurencefishburne #jonvoight #dbsweeney #shialabeouf #kathrynhunter #megalopolis
#cannes2024 #FestivalDeCannes #Cannes #Cinéma #Cannesfilmfestival #star #redcarpet #adamdriver #cannesfilm #actor #acteur #icon #montéedesmarches #francisfordcoppola #coppola #giancarloesposito #nathalieemmanuel #aubreyplaza #gracevanderwaal #taliashire #romymars #laurencefishburne #jonvoight #dbsweeney #shialabeouf #kathrynhunter #megalopolis