Nice Driving #34 | 3 Cars?.......I Only See 2

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It's usually what you can't see that's the most dangerous.

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I've done ambulance transfers with a police escort, and it's amazing how often a car would allow the police car through then pull out in front of us. Always be aware there may be more than one emergency vehicle.


I really like these "positive" videos. Consuming too much crazy dashcam video footage can make me feel like just not wanting to drive sometimes.


5:35 I was towing so nice move by the orange Ranger to pul to his right for me.


Nice driving from a biker, AND an Audi??? What is the world coming to? 😊

Nice video, Ashley, thanks 👍


Thank you for featuring another one of my clips at 8:24, drivers that give great overtaking space is very much appreciated.


Nice to see that the third kid on the bikes had the good manners to wave a thank you ❤


7:55 Absolutely did not see the Volkswagen at all! Still think I would have approached very closely though as those kinds of roundabouts can go wrong very quickly.


Driving staggered It's such a good way to drive, I've avoided so many situations because of this.


8:42 this is a great example of what those 'cycle lane' markings are designed to do: keep stationary traffic away from the kerb to allow cyclists to filter past.

You can see in the rear view, when traffic is moving, the Audi is straddling the cycle lane markings, but when things slow down, they do move out of it a bit. You should never cycle in these lanes when traffic is moving, but once traffic has stopped, they can be very useful.

Drivers should always check for filtering cyclists before setting off, but even more so when there are cycle lane markings like these. Nice to see a driver who gets it (it's smilerbob, isn't it?!).


Phil the crane driver…all credit to the 2 cars that held back here,
there are too many people make a bad situation worse because their attitude is something like ‘I’m in the right and you are in the wrong so I ain’t moving”


Flashing amber means you can turn left if it's clear without having to come to a full stop. Flashing red, you are supposed to stop before proceeding (if it's clear).


I own a 4x4, and am always willing to get off the road and up on verges etc. No point owning it if you're not going to use it.


I wonder whether the driver retrieving debris had his hazards on, but people so frequently misuse them, the people behind just overtook blindly as if it were 'the parking signal'. 🤔


It appears a few questions and comments have been made on a couple of clips where Ashley is unusually quiet (or maybe that is just the device I am using to view the video)

At 5:45, yes I did use my hazard lights but no amount of positioning will stop drivers from overtaking. As with most places in the UK observations are poor along this road and I have seen drivers overtake stationary vehicles into the path of blue light drivers 🤦‍♂️ The vehicle that did run over the pipe shows the danger that debris can pose to a vulnerable road user like a motorcycle rider, cyclist or even a pedestrian on the pavement if that flicks up abd hits them

The last clip at 10:35, I only continued after the ambulance passed as the crossing was active and I knew there would be bo conflict with vehicles on the road. If the crossing didn’t become active I would’ve stayed where I was, or reversed a little and shifted slightly left, but this still does make it more difficult for larger vehicles turning right which is why I continued to prevent that difficulty


I don't think putting the lines back a car length would've helped much in this case, lol. That truck needed a truck length.


First video: stop lines sometimes are placed further back if the intersection makes it likely a large vehicle needs more room to turn.


in your first clip: the flashing amber filter arrow means you MAY turn but you don't have priority. it's a nice addition to traffic signals that have a filter arrow for the turn lane. some may also have a solid green with a sign saying to the effect of "turn must yield on solid green"
it looked like the viewer was hoping oncoming traffic would have the courtesy to stop promptly at the yellow, and they didn't. then chose to reverse rather than push through as it turned red.

also, that isn't normal traffic for that intersection - if an intersection does have semis making a turn like that on a regular basis, they will have the lines painted to accommodate it.


1:28 Nice to see Phil the crane leaving everybodys mirrors in place. 😂 Just kidding Phil.😅


6:05 excellent job removing the hazard from the road, although he has now created a hazard on the pavement. Could have at least pushed it to the back of the pavement.


I love all your videos but the nice driving ones are my favorites. I don't know how it works for other people but I think they are very helpful as it is something to aspire to rather than watching people make mistakes and finding it entertaining but of no help (I don't mean your educational videos). Thank you.
