Botschaft, Op. 47, No. 1 (Brahms)

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Mathilda Edge, soprano

Composer: Johannes Brahms
Piano: Riley McKinch
Audio Engineer: Rafael Porto
Рекомендации по теме

Wehe, Lüftchen, lind und lieblich
Um die Wange der Geliebten,
Spiele zart in ihrer Locke,
Eile nicht hinwegzufliehn!
Tut sie dann vielleicht die Frage,
Wie es um mich Armen stehe;
Sprich: »Unendlich war sein Wehe,
Höchst bedenklich seine Lage;
Aber jetzo kann er hoffen,
Wieder herrlich aufzuleben,
Denn du, Holde, denkst an ihn.«

Blow, Breeze, gently and lovingly
about the cheeks of my beloved;
play tenderly in her locks,
do not hasten to flee far away !
If perhaps she is then to ask,
how it stands with poor wretched me,
tell her: "Unending was his woe,
highly dubious was his condition;
However, now he can hope
magnificently to come to life again.
For you, lovely one, are thinking of him!"

by Georg Friedrich Daumer (1800 - 1875)
Translation © by Emily Ezust
