Advanced Tiered Link Building Tutorial Part 4 - Tier 2 & Beyond

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***Tiered Link Building Has Changed...***

A lot has changed in tiered link building​ so I am putting together an all new video course that will show you the right way to do tiered link building in 2019.

Hint: It's less about volume and more about intelligence & relevancy!


This is the fourth video in the Ultimate Guide To Tiered Link Building video tutorial series.

In the last few videos we have prepared and created the perfect tier 1 link profile.

In this video I will show you-

✔️ How to export your tier 1 links and check them in bulk
✔️ How to generate all the content for Tier 2 and 3
✔️ How to use the generated content for amazing results
✔️ How to fully setup your tier 2 and 3 link profiles in 10 minutes

(you'll learn how to increase your search traffic & avoid penalties)

⚙️ - Resources

Partial Transcript

Hi guys and welcome to part 4 of my ultimate guide to tiered link building. In this video you're going to learn

How to export a live list of your tier 1 links and check they are valid
How to generate all the content we will need for tiers 2 and 3 in a couple of clicks
How to use that content in the right way
And finally how to setup your tier 2 and 3 campaigns in 10 minutes

Ok so you can see that our project has pretty much completed here. One thing I want to show you before exporting the live links is the attention required column; these are submissions that have failed. So to retry any failed tasks you can just click on the project that you want, click on the task log, make sure completed items are excluded and then come over here and select all, right click and retry selected and that will retry all the failed tasks. So its up to you if you want to do that.

To export the live links all we need to do is click on the task, right click, live link report, click on copy to clipboard and then make a note of them in a separate notepad file. And if you just go through all of the tasks doing this you'll eventually end up with a big list of your tier 1 links. So I'm just going to pause the video while I do that.

So now you should have a list of all of your live tier 1 urls and you need to save that somewhere. And you can see I've got it here, you also need to create another text file with your money site urls in it and what we are going to do is use Scrapebox to check the live links.

So I've unticked use proxies, make sure check links is checked here and press check links and you'll see a big long list of your live links and it's going to go out and look at every single one of these and check if your links to your two money sites or whatever you've linked to are still present. So load this up hit start and I'll be back once it's finished.

Once that's finished you can see all of the links that it has found and the anchor texts and everything like that. So you need to clean this list up and remove any of the dead ones. So click export links and export all as excel and we are going to call it link tracker. Ok and then if we open up the link tracker that we've just exported. Hang on that's opened in my other window, there we go. Sort these a-z, expand the selection and we want to remove anything that isn't found. Ok, so we now have a final list of our live tier 1 links and we can use this list to begin building our tier 2 and tier 3 links.

You should try and keep this spreadsheet kind of roughly organised and up to date. I always create tabs like this, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. And then I regularly export my links and add them to this spreadsheet here so I can keep track of all my tier 1 and tier 2 and tier 3 links that I have created.

So now we have a live list of our tier 1 links we just need to generate the content for our tier 2 and tier 3 link campaigns. To do that I'm going to use a piece of software called Kontent Machine. I used to use Get Article Pro to do this but the developer has since abandoned it, Kontent Machine just makes things really easy to do.
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Because UD offers much more granular control and I can ensure it only uses high quality sites on the first tier.

GSA is more of a shot gun approach, quicker to setup but much less control.


Ultimate Demon IMO for control and quality.


I am in love with these series, what is the best seo tool on the markt atm?


Thank you for all your superbly rocking videos !!!! (From France as well)


Not getting that here - perhaps clear caches and try again? You can also download the video on my blog


Hi matt have been following along with your series? I am targeting lots of long tails for example turbo boost diy, turboboost diy, diy turbo boost, diy turboboost . Should i rewrite the same article and change the keyword for each or is there a better strategy . Also would an auto approve list for gsa be worth buying ??? Thanks in advance



Most the sites UD/SeNuke/Licorne post to use recaptcha which none of the software based captcha solvers support


Hi Matt, your videos are great. But in part 4 wrong with the screemcast. After min 22 or so it constantly happens that your voice over goes on but the screen freezes so I can't see what you are doing while I can here it. If I reload the vid I can watch the next 30 seconds and then the same happens again I made it until 25:30 but then it gets to annoying. Do you have any idea what is the issue here. I tried it in Firefox as well as in Internet Explorer nothing works.


At 20:02 the diagram shows "link wheel". That's certainly not a link wheel :p Never the less an excellent set of videos. I've been out of this game for a few years, but still have my lifetime SENuke license, amongst a few other bits of software. Looking to get GSA and Captcha Sniper next week though. GSA does look saucy. Although I also have xRumer, I am wondering if that can do the same.


I wish you had time indexes or links to these different software programs in the description. I see them and remember them a week later, but when I come back to find the name, it's hard to find them.


you recommended using captha sniper with GSA ranker.Just wanted to know if captha sniper will work with Ultimate demon as well.thanks.


Question: Why use Search Engine Ranker for Tier2 and Tier3, instead of just doing "quality" link building through UD the same way you did for your money sites?


Hi Matthew. I m from france and i really thank you for all tour tutos. You are very coool to show us all the stuffs!!!! I havé one question please: do Kontent Machine existe un french language. Or is there an équivalent in french??? Thanks a lot for ur answer!!!!


I did not understand the purpose of link wheel bandit, is it a link rotator? why is there a link wheel between tier 1 and money site, and between tiers?


Most of the sites UD can post to uses recaptcha so will have a high fail rate. Stick with DBC for this :)


what software does anyone recommend for mac users>

any similar tools to ultimate demon? any scrapers? any spinners ?



How has Google's latest Algo updates affected this whole strategy? Seems quality content (articles, videos) are still king.... mix in a dash of quality authority backlinks (still with your 3 tier'd system), and a bit of Google Authorship and we should still have a winner!


#seotips #seomarketing  


love your videos, but to follow this strategy you pretty much need to be rich, those programs are incredibly expensive, and you use so many of them! Id love to see a set of videos for tiered link building using only scrapebox and free software, otherwise its too expensive for little guys who are starting like myself
