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Is deltacron a new mutation with the transmissibility of omicron and the pathogenesis of delta?


Not a new form of coronavirus

Recombination event

Lab contamination

Prof Leondios Kostrikis, professor of biological sciences,University of Cyprus, Head of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Molecular Virology

Suggested delta and omicron variants had amalgamated

There are currently omicron and delta co-infections and we found this strain that is a combination of these two

25 sequences were subsequently submitted to GISAID

Dr Thomas Peacock, Imperial College London, Department of Infectious Disease

November, very small cluster,

really awful spike mutation profile

B.1.1.529, later omicron

Deltacron genetic profile

Looks to be quite clearly contamination

Several colleagues

almost definitely contamination

doesn’t look like a real recombinant

Dr Simon Clarke, University of Reading

It’s perfectly possible for different versions of the virus that causes Covid-19 to combine sections of their genetic material,

creating a recombinant,

which is a genetic mosaic of the different variants

with altered characteristics,

but they contain a number of telltale signs
and ‘deltacron’ just doesn’t have any

Instead, its proposed genetic code looks more like what would happen if you contaminated one sample with another

That could have happened at any point between sampling and sequencing in the laboratory

and I strongly suspect this is what has happened.

New variants will continue to come along, but I don’t think this is one.

Deltacron’s genetic code

Scars of a notoriously faulty primer

V3 72 amplicon

As of Monday morning

UKHSA no new variants under surveillance

Prof Leondios Kostrikis

indicate an evolutionary pressure to an ancestral strain to acquire these mutations and not a result of a single recombination event

Deltacron infection is higher among patients hospitalised for Covid-19 than among non-hospitalised patients,

so that rules out the contamination hypothesis

the samples were processed in multiple sequencing procedures in more than one country.

And at least one sequence from Israel deposited in a global database exhibits genetic characteristics of Deltacron

Professor Nick Loman, microbial genomics professor University of Birmingham (UK)

While a recombinant form of Delta and Omicron would not be a complete surprise,

the finding from Cyprus is more likely a “technical artefact” that arose in the process of sequencing the viral genome
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Dr. John I'd love it if after this pandemic, you continue to inform the world through this platform and your well-earned audience how to live a healthy life. This pandemic has laid bare the inadequacies of our current system and way of living, particularly diet and lifestyle, and if people really care for the health service then they need to take their health largely into their own hands, prioritising disease prevention, and a healthy happy life.


I felt my heart beating faster and anxiety starting to build up, and as soon as Dr John said- 'no, I am convinced there is', i felt my shoulders relaxed, heart rate decreased. I know you cannot always deliver good news Dr Campbell but you dont know how many times you have saved me from extreme panic attacks i used to get from watching MSM. Thank you.


Thanks for giving the answer at the beginning. Even though I listened all the way through, it put me immediately at ease. You'd think the media and pharma industry want another deadly strain, the way they escalate fear. Thank you for your calm, measured, data-driven approach.


Wow. “If you don’t have time to watch this video here is my answer” name one YouTube channel who does this and doesn’t waste our time. Protect this man at all


When I first heard about a new variant, I thought, I have to see what Dr. John says. Here in the US, I can not believe what they put out. This is so sad but very true. Thank you so much❤🙏


Thank you John for keeping me sane these last two years. I can rely on your calm and clear delivery of information. Your presence at bedtime has helped me through these awful times. Please do not stop if the pandemic is have many fans...


Driven by a desire to keep us all healthy as opposed to fame, fortune and power - Dr Campbell, it is a rarity for me to have missed one of your videos since the very beginning of the pandemic. You have unfailingly been a voice of reason and have communicated all of the information you have collated in an accessible, unbiased and unpatronising manner. Thank you so much for giving us clarity and measured reason for hope at a time when we need it. You are an astonishing individual and a role model for all.


Ooh, Deltacron! That's "catchy".... I'll see myself out...


Thank you Dr John for giving us this update so we can sleep at night. We get bombarded by so many different stories from the media that we don't know what to believe anymore. I look forward to your updates and professional and honest opinions based on the data and I am so grateful that you are here during this pandemic.


I've gotta say, I love the format of these videos. Good old fashioned pen & paper, simple and unique. Keep up the good work!


Sadly, far too many agencies/governments are more interested in creating fear and drama versus facts. When I want a factual approach to a subject on the virus, I feel I get trusted insight here. Thank you. Going into year three of this pandermic, normal testing reliability and technology remains questionable.


I've been following your channel for several months now, and your quick summary at the start of the video raised your credibility with me, which was already high to begin with.


Thank you for getting my family through the past two years. You have been a voice of reason and pure scientific facts. Thank you.


The very reason Omicron is less deadly is it doesn't need the help of the TMPRSS2 protease to enter the cell – this means less collateral damage to the lung cells (syncetia) and therefore inflammation which is what causes the patient to “drown” from the resulting cytokine storm – ie the very thing that causes the deadliness of COVID is the thing that causes it to lose out to Omicron which gets there first. A hybrid virus would be slower to invade than Omicron and would therefore lose out in evolutionary terms.


Thanks for the "just the facts" presentation. No hype. No exaggeration. You just cut through a lot of noise with your note cards giving basic information that keeps people up-to-date. And your info is a lot more clear and concise than the CDC links that google is so kind to provide below your videos. Keep it up!


You're doing a significant public service with these analysis sir. Thank you and godspeed


I got such a fright when I first saw the title of today's update. But as usual John you have it covered as only you can and peace of mind has once again been restored.
I love your no nonsense and pragmatic approach and your humanity. I don't know how I would have coped this last 2 years without you.
Thanks again for keeping me sane with your videos and at times laughing at the funny little sayings you use along with your many facial expressions.
I live in North of Ireland and I am 71 years old. Last week my Grandson and his fiance caught Covid and my Granddaughter who is a care worker is isolating in my home. She had covid last year.
So far like you I have managed to avoid catching it. I have had 2 vaccines and a booster, as well as a flu jab.
I was wondering if there is a test which could tell if I have ever had the virus as I feel certain that I have had it.
Please let me know.
Thank you again for all you are doing.


I liked the last line the best: "for the moment, I'm going to forget about it" -- he delivered the line perfectly, turning away from the camera as he said it!


Honestly this is getting a bit silly at this point. Thank you sir for cutting through the media garbage that continues to be thrown our way unnecessarily.


Dr.John. I would love you continue to do this. I am from Canada, Specifically Quebec and here, it seems we DO NOT follow science to take decision and all of it purely political. Your work helps me follow the reality because otherwise, we live pure social and political pressure and no science is ever explained. Thank you for your hard work!
