so, did it all work out?

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Congrats on thriving in your freelance era and escaping the content treadmill !!


this channel means so much for me. being a member of the radish collective feels like such a gift


I'm graduating college in 3 weeks and completely freaking out about what's next. I'm seeking treatment for some newfound chronic illness and I need to find work and a place to live, easily the biggest and most sudden shift ever in my life. I have opportunities and generally things are looking bright, yet I'm petrified.

I could almost be convinced that you've been reading my mind and making content just for me this past year or so -- and here you are again with the perfect video about dealing with change and sticking it out on your own, how it all really can work out! Sincerely, thank you.


I'm glad you're path is headed where you want to go, and I actually really love that you only post videos when you have something to say. Quality seems underrated these days in a culture obsessed with quantity. But mostly I love that you still have hopes and dreams and plans for the future, because even when things 'work out, ' there's still another day tomorrow, so what are we going to do with it? It doesn't have an end, so why should we keep looking for one?


I appreciate these little honest updates. My life has drastically changed in the past three months, more then I thought possible. I got a job that is exactly what I always wanted and adopted two lovely cats. And if that wasn't enough my roommate decided to spring it on me that they are moving out in 3 to 4 weeks leaving me stranded. So I appreciate these honest updates, it helps me feel less alone.


I'm so happy and proud for you. I'm grateful that get to watch the parts of your journey that you share. A wise Radish once wrote me a postcard that said "You are great at your job but you're also much more than your job!" and it's pinned on my board I see while I work. Sending all my love!


Thanks for sharing your journey, it's a pleasure to watch <3


I have no clicked on one of your videos in a quite some time, but whenever I do you always have some sort of pearl of wisdom I cling to. Thank you for reminding me "what if it all worked out?" I too will be taping it to my wall <3


I love "what do I want to work out next" as a guiding question. Good luck with your move!


When you talked about the awkward place you’re in regarding fellowships, I had to think of the podcast episode you recorded with Hallease that I really liked!
I really appreciate this update Watching it made me feel like catching up with an old friend I haven’t seen in a while, but whose presence feels deeply enriching in my life.


you missed the most important news: darcy found a bat toy on her walk today


I’m struggling to try what feels like starting a 3rd life at this point and am struggling, but I always keep trying to think “what if it works out?”
I’m happy in my souls to see someone in that brighter zone of things working. Congrats!


Just popping in to say thanks for the update, and to give a little update to you! I just got my P4A bat print in the mail and it is beautiful!! Thank you for all your time and efforts, both for this community and in nerdfighteria - they are much appreciated <3


It's really heartening to know that your freelance journey has mirrored my own. Taking on too much right at the start, slowly becoming more selective, and still surviving long enough to start thriving. My medical problems have made things tense for a while, but sometimes it pays to bet on yourself, and capitalism definitely isn't going to bet on any of us. Best wishes!


What a breath of fresh, springtime air your videos are.


When I watched your original video, I taped "what if it all works out?" to the side of my bookshelf. I realized watching this video that I haven't looked at it for a while -- I'm a month away from finishing grad school, and while I'm not quite at the finish line yet, I also feel like I don't need that phrase as much as I did a few months ago when I was still in the middle of it and wondering if it was even worth doing. I still don't know if it was worth doing, but it doesn't matter now! Thanks as always for your videos :)


Happy for you, hope you find the new place more homey than you expect!


Congratulations on making it to the point where turning down clients is a real thing! Looking forward to what you'll make next for us!


thank you for your content, regardless of when it comes out 😊🥰


I'm planning on going 'freelance'/burning through my savings later this year and wow this was a good video for me right now. I'd actually had the 'what if it all works out?' question kicking around the back of my head and wouldn't have thought any more deeply about what that might mean without this video.
