Keynote: Sonic Pi - Live Coding as a tool for next-gen education. | Aaron | JuliaCon 2024

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Keynote: Sonic Pi - Live Coding as a tool for next-gen education. by Sam Aaron

Sonic Pi is a free code-based music creation and performance tool that targets both education and professional musicians. It is possible for beginners to code fresh beats, driving bass lines and shimmering synth riffs. All this whilst teaching core computer science concepts such as sequencing, functions, variables, loops, data structures and algorithms.

This talk will briefly introduce Sonic Pi before taking a deep technical nose-dive into some of the interesting requirements of live coding systems. We'll touch on concurrency, distributed programming, temporal logic, deterministic randomisation, event streams, hot swapping code and domain specific languages.

Get ready for some serious live coded beats and a window into an exciting future of computing education.
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Always happy to see Sam performing on stage!


Regarding the demo at the're definitely going to create a huge impression on kids if you say to them "By the end of our classes you'll know how to do what I just showed you in these 5-10 minutes."
