AC vs DC Power?

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The story about why DC power systems are returning to common use and how it is happening.
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Tesla is rolling in his grave right now.


me watching this video 10 years later because of a pandemic


I have ran my home on 100vDC (200amps) for over 6 years via solar & lead acid. I love it. You would be amazed the number of appliances made today that readily accept DC (computers, fluorescent curlys, vacuums, etc.) The main flaw is that DC arcs easier at higher voltage than AC does, so switches require capacitors to suppress arcing. (NOTE: typical AC appliances [example: anything with a transformer] are powered by a 5KW inverter). DC truly is the way to go off grid.


The problem with DC current is that in order to carry high currents voltages the power line would have to be very thick or else the power line would overheat and be a very dangerous fire hazard and would lose a very large amount of current and voltage along the line.


Jay Guy is partly right. If you use regular spinning generators, they output AC; that is what grid wants! Simply pulling current from rotating wires gives AC. When you rectify it usual way there is power loss in generation end.

See a simple DC motor: commutated/flipping current to coils inside permanent mag field. It can be turned as a generator: peaked DC out & no lost energy. Align several on same shaft, different phases: peaks & troughs cancel for almost linear DC output & no energy loss.


Though the problem with DC is that it cannot be used with Liner transformer. A liner transformer is used in all audio equipment because it produces better sound. Also the power bricks in laptops and computers can accept DC it only saves a little power, because the voltage has to be transformed still to different voltages like 3.3V, 12V, 24V etc.


I was looking for a video like this. Now I know both are useful. And they do different jobs


How are you going to transfer dc power over long distance and still be as efficient as AC?


For people who know what RMS is or inverter technology we know that there is a 30 % lost of energy on AC. Converting from AC to DC is another 4% lost of energy. If a new standard DC voltage can be obtained for all of our devices the conversion can be done from the secondary winding of the utility transformer and all homes in the US can run more efficient and a gain of almost 40%. Using AC and DC in combination is the future.


DC was first used by Edison. But it could not reach but a mile from the power station. AC was pushed by Tesla because it could basically reach anywhere. It was a big to-do back in the day for which system to use.


I tought this was an educational video but then I understood it is a company promo video.


Ok when I was doing some studying of DC and AC the book mentioned that conventional electricity is wrong, meaning DC was the wrong way and AC was the right way stating that all our books are designed for the old conventional method. So now I am definitely confused. I personally like DC because it seems a lot easier to understand and work with.


If you make those big genrators convert to dc cause no generator produces dc even the one for your car has to be converterted to dc. Then the loss would still be there but at the power plant, dc doesnt travel as far either and is more sensitive to small things interfering. However it would be more efficent to have at least 1 room plug and 1 in living room or a few anywhere your going to use electronics. Also since the voltage has to be more consistant voltage regulators would be isntalled.


I love this video. What's not to love about teaching non Electrical Engineers the diff between electricity's two fundamental flavors, and why it matters. A/C and D/C excel at different things. One isn't right and the other wrong. One isn't better than the other. A/C travels well, and may have been the better choice for New York City's first streetlights in 1879, and efficient development of our far flung (macro) power grid. D/C doesn't travel, but plays well with appliances when utilized right where it's generated. D/C may be key to hardening against macro-grid failure surprises.


dc seems to be more practical for home use, led lighting requires dc, electric cars require dc, electronics require dc, even flourescent lights are dc (electronic ballast) if we used motors with electronic control, we wouldn't need 3 phases.


Generally you can use AC plugs and switches, they are designed for higher voltage. In early days there were DC standard of +110V 0 -110V in USA, Europe used almost same +220V 0 -220V this system used three wires. Relict is USA split phase system with central tap on transformer.


I've been saying these same things for several years now!
I sincerely wish you good luck into reaching more people with these ideas, so that this change to localized energy production & consumption based on DC happens sooner.
Then people currently claiming that hydrogen fuel-cell cars are terribly inefficient might think twice :)


AC good for long distance transmission, DC is good for short distance transmission. So big power plant using AC generator. But electronic device such Computer, TV, Game Console or LED lamp only run with DC. So it need adapter. So both AC and DC have their benefit.
So stop this "Tesla vs Edison" nonsense. We using AC or DC because it work for their practicality, not because we worshiping Tesla or Edison.


The fact that this video is 12 years old and this is the first time I've heard of micro-grids. . .


How about starting with advantages & disadvantages of AC vs. DC?
