Find the largest 6-digit EVEN number | Find the largest 6-digit ODD number @mathstubelearning123

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Find the largest 6-digit even number | Find the largest 6-digit odd number
In this video we will find the largest 6-digit ODD and even numbers.
First we will find the largest 6-digit number.
then we will check if this number is ODD or even.
We will see that this number is ODD. from this number we will try to find the largest even number.
For this there are 2 method..either subtract 1or add 1.If we add 1 then we will get a 7-digit number, which cannot be the answer as we need tio find the largest 6 digit number.
So we will subtract 1 from the largest 6-digit odd number to get the largest 6-digit even number.
In this video we will find the largest 6-digit ODD and even numbers.
First we will find the largest 6-digit number.
then we will check if this number is ODD or even.
We will see that this number is ODD. from this number we will try to find the largest even number.
For this there are 2 method..either subtract 1or add 1.If we add 1 then we will get a 7-digit number, which cannot be the answer as we need tio find the largest 6 digit number.
So we will subtract 1 from the largest 6-digit odd number to get the largest 6-digit even number.