The Alan Parsons Project - Time - 1981

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By: Alan Parsons / Eric Woolfson

Time, flowing like a river
Time, beckoning me
Who knows when we shall meet again
If ever
But time
Keeps flowing like a river
To the sea
Goodbye my love,
Maybe for forever
Goodbye my love,
The tide waits for me
Who knows when we shall meet again
If ever
But time
Keeps flowing like a river (on and on)
To the sea, to the sea
Till it's gone forever
Gone forever
Gone forevermore
Goodbye my friends (goodbye my love)
Maybe forever
Goodbye my friends (who knows when we shall meet again)
The stars wait for me
Who knows where we shall meet again
If ever
But time
Keeps flowing like a river (on and on)
To the sea, to the sea
Till it's gone forever
Gone forever
Gone forevermore
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Hmmm.. Song hits hard. Almost too hard. I'm 65 and almost everybody I've ever known closely or personally is deceased. My family, friends all gone. Now I'm sick and will be gone before much longer. My beloved cat Bear is even ill. Life is unfair as hell. Sorry for spewing my personal shit. Song just opened me up. PEACE


I'm watching this in Sept 2024 sitting next to my wife of 39 years knowing one day this will be unbearable to hear again. I pray that's a long time away.


I still listen to Alan Parson, I am 65. Good music lasts for ever.


I had the biggest crush on a girl named Jenny since I was in the 6th grade in 1981. She was a year older than me and never knew I liked her. I was always afraid to tell her. I would see her and always wanted to tell her but never did. Finally, in my junior year in high school (her senior year) at a school dance, the last one of the year, one of the last few songs of the night, this song came on. I spotted her across the room and said to myself, “It’s now or never.” I summoned up all the courage I had and went over to her and asked her to dance. She said, “Absolutely!” We strode over to the dance floor and started slow dancing. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. She was tired from dancing all night and just laid her head on my shoulder as we danced. Time seemed to stand still as I couldn’t believe the girl of my dreams was here and dancing with me so close. Then before I knew it, the song ended. She hugged me and went back to her friends and I went back to mine and sat back and soaked it all in. She graduated and I never got to tell her how I felt and never saw her agian. But for one moment in time, I had the girls of my dreams in my arms for five minutes and eleven seconds. I often think about her. A few years ago, I sent her a friend request on FB and she accepted. I check in on her FB every now and then. I wonder if she even remembers the dance, probably not, but I will remember it for a lifetime and that’s okay.


I lost my dad last aug 3rd . Listening to this song made me realize how life goes fast and noone is immortal. Live your life like it is your last day.and tell your loveones how much you love them.


I lost a son two years ago. He was only 17. This was the first song I connected to my loss. I hope I get to see him again. The song captures my feelings of boredom and apathy as time drones on, along with the intense pangs of loss and desperate hopelessness that hit me every so often. I first heard this song when I was a small child; it came out a year before I was born.


We were all young when this song came out..We had no idea how fast time would go by.It's a beautiful ride...just wish it lasted longer


Hearing this song after 40 years, and in a new context. My heart is broken by current events and I cannot stop crying.


What a song! A reflection about the time!


May 1981, when this song was all over the radio.
I graduated that month from HS. I had 2 weeks until I left home for good when I left to go in active duty with the armed forces. I had made that decision months prior.
It was my time to serve, my mother knew this as two of her other sons had previously served as did her husband during WWII.
I was her last born. This song brings back the pain of me catching my poor mother crying over my imminent departure. While the excitement of what lay ahead for me was thrilling, the pain of seeing my mother so sad just killed me. But I knew she knew that this was part of life.
She died 13 years later while I was deployed in the Persian gulf while still in the service. Part of me died then as I wasn’t able to be there when she left us.
The farewell in this song is soooo haunting and hits soooo hard. But that’s life. Makes me appreciate the fact that I had such a wonderful, nurturing, caring and loving mother.


One of the most beautiful song of all time... it brings tears in my eyes... fabulous.


This song will stand the test of time.Its a song that punches you in the gut, and makes you sit down and be humbled.He is a brilliant artist.


This song was mine to my dog of twelve years from 2 months old. He was my rock. This song helped me cry hard. And keep him in my heart


This will be playing at my funeral. The end.


My parents used to play the Alan Parsons project music all the time when I was a kid. I just happened upon this song today whilst on Spotify and it reduced me to tears. I'm in Australia and apart from most of my family. At this moment I feel I'll never see my loved ones again. These words and this hauntingly beautiful music hit me hard.


This is from a concert in Madrid in 2004. Great concert. You can find the whole concert on YouTube.


Great song I remember from my graduation night at Disney world in Florida in 1984


This version absolutely blows me away.


I’m crying over and over to this song as my best friend of 35 years passed unexpectedly the other day


I loved this song when I was younger but now that I am a senior & have lost so many people in my life, it takes on a whole new meaning. Beautiful & haunting (and so true).
