php file handling - readfile() php in English

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Now our php file handling readlfile() function , tutorial you can learn php file handling of php programming. If you are beginners at php, so its too much important tutorial for php programmers and php based web developers. Cause when you want to create enterprise level website or when you create web applications, you need oftens file handling.

And here's have important message for beginners that if you are beginners then you need must learn about php file handling. Otherwise you can`t handle files properly in php. As a result you can damage your or your buyers valuable data.
So check this tutorial that how to read file or open files from your hard-drive, I mean how to echo hard-drive data in web page and how to handle data's in php programming.

In this video, the main theme is that:
** php file handling
** readfile function in php
** readfile()

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