The pope's document from the 1500s blows me away

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In this video, I explore the Doctrine of Discovery—a 500-year-old document that changed the course of history and continues to affect Indigenous communities today. As a historian, I’ve often been struck by how this seemingly distant piece of history still echoes in our modern world. Join me as we unravel its origins, the legal systems it shaped, and why its legacy matters more than ever.

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Come join me on a new docu-series that explores identity, racial tensions in the South during the 20th century, and the unique experiences of those who historically called Louisiana home.
My name is Danielle Romero, and all my life, I have romanticized Louisiana.
Growing up in New York, it represented a place where I could step back the sepia-toned life of my great grandmother, Lola Perot, who died before I was born.
Now, it was time to go back to Louisiana--although I had no idea what the truth would be or what questions to ask---who was Lola really? Who were we?

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My opinion is that the Pope loses nothing, nor does any beneficiary of the doctrine. The Catholic church was historically political and interested in wealth and power. The people in power make up rules and lie to maintain it.


Our history with Native Americans is so grotesque. I have an aunt whose mother was raised in an Indian Boarding School.


It never ceases to amaze me how people came up with reason for their behavior. Given what is happening currently, it seems no one has matured beyond the "ME - MINE!" stage of evolution.


As a person of native American descent and I knew this already.
Stolen in the name of god.
We're still here though.


after reaping untold riches from the new world.. they say "oh golly gee that was not right" and everything's cool


I always found it amazing, even as a child in parochial grade school, that the 'European explorers all came to a common agreement on the denial of the concept of "First Holding" to the Indigenous people of the lands they explored.


The reason one won't be taught this in school is that every reasonable person will see that it's wrong -even if it was legal. That would challenge too many claims. As Orwell pointed out, “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”


Your content is always thought-provoking.


This is such a crucial topic. It touches on deep-rooted issues of ancestry, intergenerational trauma, and the legacy of colonialism—a ‘power-over’ dynamic that has been repeated throughout history and across the globe.
The Doctrine of Discovery is a central piece of this larger puzzle, and its effects are still felt today in the ongoing systems of inequality and cultural erasure. I’m really grateful to see you covering this subject, and I hope you continue to make more videos exploring the Doctrine of Discovery, its legacy, and its far-reaching ramifications. These are conversations we desperately need to keep having.


It makes me feel really good knowing that people like you continue to produce amazing work, it’s a lot more important than most of us realize


Dear Danielle, this video is particularly interesting to me because I teach this topic every year both in Highschool and University. You made many great points! The Spanish, the Portuguese, the Americans: This is what empires do. They claim lands that do not belong to them and they finally take them at all costs in various ways.


My mother was a native Indian research the “ trail of tears “ Cherokee nation, very sad, it haunted her for years . Reservation was no more than consentration camps .


You are making a difference in a positive way. Everything you said can move us all forward if we let it. Great topic! Keep them coming.


As a descendant of the Irish Famine diaspora to the North East on my mother's side. And on Father's side, the diaspora from the beginning of the 1800s, I have learned a lot about my family history on both sides, going back far enough for my family tree to be grafted straight out of the "mythological cycle" of Irish history.
We were getting the same treatment from our neighbors across the pond for 800 years, over and over and over again they tried to take our land. They called them plantations. They establish British Protestant landowners. They made it illegal to speak the language, teach the language, write in the language, of my ancestors. It was illegal to tell our stories, dance our dances, play our music, they forced their brand of Christianity on the people. They forbade the Irish from teaching, from practicing medicine and law, all areas the Irish are well known to have highly developed systems of learning for.
Then in the US, the psyops about us upon our arrival was one of degrading and vilifying the Irish as brutal, thuggish, ignorant, dirty, uncivilized, after thousands of years of being known as the land od Saints and Scholars.

Native Americans and Irish share much of the same trauma in our histories.
The kick in the crotch for my generation of Irish diaspora is that we simply become "white" in zeitgeist. This has resulted in being immediately labeled and treated accordingly by minority groups. Everyone has a bone to pick with a pretty, petite, platinum blonde, blue eyed girl. Literally everyone. And of course, for good measure, no one gives a shit, either. I get it. Im just stating the situation at hand. We all have to be careful not to be led into the lair of this demonic inversion we are enduring. Everyone's history has been distorted and contorted beyond recognition. Being able to conscious edit our own biases in the moment is the work at hand.

Whenever you see someone you don't know. Remember that you don't know.


I'm so grateful to have your channel pop-up on my feed. Very interesting content, thank you.


I am a huge fan of your show & want to thank you for teaching more in a few minutes per show than I learned in all my school days! You're a remarkable teacher and a compassionate, empathetic human being. Advancements (and we are in the infancy stages of discovery) in genetics & ancestry show us that we are all part of the same human family, as well as part of this universe! Please keep up this good work! Who knew how important history would be to the healing process of humanity?


The Roman empire never fell, it just bent over and picked up a couple of Bibles .


Excellent video. Balanced point of view. And I like that you're up-front about your love for Christ, while also realizing the failings of those in the past who called themselves Christian.


I enjoyed this, we do not hear about that doctrine as much as we should! Enjoy the weekend!
