McSherrystown card night vs. borough council | FOX43 Finds Out

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For more than 20 years, no matter what life has dealt them, a group of seniors has come together once a month at the senior center in McSherrystown to laugh, eat, and play cards.
About 50 seniors would show up to the center and pay a $5 buy-in for the monthly card club.
Sharon Ingram, who used to host the monthly event, says that money would pay for a meal and then the winners would walk away with the leftover cash.
"If we had a big crowd, $25, $20, 2 $15's, and a couple of 10s and 5s, and the rest went to the banquet, the food," said Ingram.
The group would also pay $20 back to the borough, for things like utilities and paper towels.
Then, back in January, the McSherrystown borough council voted to charge $100 to anyone who uses the senior center for a private event. It happened when Mark Staub took over the monthly card night. He says the group couldn't afford that and because of that fee, the event folded.
About 50 seniors would show up to the center and pay a $5 buy-in for the monthly card club.
Sharon Ingram, who used to host the monthly event, says that money would pay for a meal and then the winners would walk away with the leftover cash.
"If we had a big crowd, $25, $20, 2 $15's, and a couple of 10s and 5s, and the rest went to the banquet, the food," said Ingram.
The group would also pay $20 back to the borough, for things like utilities and paper towels.
Then, back in January, the McSherrystown borough council voted to charge $100 to anyone who uses the senior center for a private event. It happened when Mark Staub took over the monthly card night. He says the group couldn't afford that and because of that fee, the event folded.