👶 Ergobaby or BabyBjörn? Comparison of Ergobaby Omni Breeze, BabyBjörn One Air & BabyBjörn Harmony 🌈

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What’s better, an #ergobaby or #babybjorn Baby Carrier?
Overall, my top recommendation is the Ergobaby Omni Breeze (of the near-identical Ergobaby Omni Dream). It suits just about every Mum and Dad and can be used from your baby’s first day and lasts until 2yrs.
Ergobaby Vs BabyBjorn : The Similarities
The BabyBjorn Carrier One and the Ergobaby Omni 360 are aiming to appeal to the same customers (dads and mums) and so have many features in common. They are both very padded and structured; both offer the same carrying positions (front parent-facing, front outwards-facing and – in theory – back carrying) and are comfortable to use beyond the first few months. They both have adjustments designed to offer healthy hip support as your baby grows.
Both are great for walks and using when out and about, or even for #babywearing exercise classes. Whilst, in theory, you certainly can use them at home, they’re pretty bulky and padded. So most parents also get a soft sling or wrap or a lightweight carrier like the Izmi Baby carrier for their newborns, alongside their BabyBjorn or Ergobaby. Much comfier for relaxing at home.
What They Don’t Tell You!
Features, fit and weight ranges often do not work as advertised. Weight ranges are especially misleading; 35lb is the weight of an average 4-year-old; 45lb is an average 6-year-old! Neither of these carriers is practical or comfortable to use up to their maximum weight limit.
With structured carriers like these, your comfort all comes down to how the carrier fits you, and how easy you find it to put on and adjust. From years of experience, the Ergobaby Omni range of carriers – that includes the all-very-similar Omni 360, the Omni 360 Cool Air Mesh, the Omni Breeze and the Omni Dream – are the most popular, comfiest, and are equally loved by both Mums and Dads.
The BabyBjorn Carrier One – and the new, improved, softer version, called the Babybjorn Harmony, tend to fit most Dads superbly, but only some mums. That’s because BabyBjorns all have an internal harness that sits between your body and your baby.
This harness makes them easy to put on, and great for more nervous parents who are reassured by the highly engineered look and feel of the carrier.
But these internal straps can put pressure on mum’s breasts, can be difficult to adjust for shorter/ more petite torsos, and means the carrier doesn’t always fit so comfortably around mum's breasts, waists and curves.
The Bottom Line
The Ergobaby Omni carriers, especially the Breeze, is a really excellent carrier, performing well in all areas. It has the greatest longevity and the most ergonomic front-facing position for both baby and parent. Plus it’s got some little handy extras. With multiple strap configurations, it’s more adjustable and suits a wide range of adults so it’s a great option if you’re swapping your carrier between two parents. It’s our most popular carrier for these reasons!
The BabyBjorn One and the BabyBjorn Harmony are very easy for many parents to use without any extra help, so it’s great for nervous carrier users or if you don’t carry them very often.
It’s less adjustable and so offers fewer ergonomic carrying positions and isn’t as practical if shared between both parents. This is a good option to consider for dads who mostly carry at the weekends. If you prefer a more streamlined look then the Baby Bjorn One may catch your attention.
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Overall, my top recommendation is the Ergobaby Omni Breeze (of the near-identical Ergobaby Omni Dream). It suits just about every Mum and Dad and can be used from your baby’s first day and lasts until 2yrs.
Ergobaby Vs BabyBjorn : The Similarities
The BabyBjorn Carrier One and the Ergobaby Omni 360 are aiming to appeal to the same customers (dads and mums) and so have many features in common. They are both very padded and structured; both offer the same carrying positions (front parent-facing, front outwards-facing and – in theory – back carrying) and are comfortable to use beyond the first few months. They both have adjustments designed to offer healthy hip support as your baby grows.
Both are great for walks and using when out and about, or even for #babywearing exercise classes. Whilst, in theory, you certainly can use them at home, they’re pretty bulky and padded. So most parents also get a soft sling or wrap or a lightweight carrier like the Izmi Baby carrier for their newborns, alongside their BabyBjorn or Ergobaby. Much comfier for relaxing at home.
What They Don’t Tell You!
Features, fit and weight ranges often do not work as advertised. Weight ranges are especially misleading; 35lb is the weight of an average 4-year-old; 45lb is an average 6-year-old! Neither of these carriers is practical or comfortable to use up to their maximum weight limit.
With structured carriers like these, your comfort all comes down to how the carrier fits you, and how easy you find it to put on and adjust. From years of experience, the Ergobaby Omni range of carriers – that includes the all-very-similar Omni 360, the Omni 360 Cool Air Mesh, the Omni Breeze and the Omni Dream – are the most popular, comfiest, and are equally loved by both Mums and Dads.
The BabyBjorn Carrier One – and the new, improved, softer version, called the Babybjorn Harmony, tend to fit most Dads superbly, but only some mums. That’s because BabyBjorns all have an internal harness that sits between your body and your baby.
This harness makes them easy to put on, and great for more nervous parents who are reassured by the highly engineered look and feel of the carrier.
But these internal straps can put pressure on mum’s breasts, can be difficult to adjust for shorter/ more petite torsos, and means the carrier doesn’t always fit so comfortably around mum's breasts, waists and curves.
The Bottom Line
The Ergobaby Omni carriers, especially the Breeze, is a really excellent carrier, performing well in all areas. It has the greatest longevity and the most ergonomic front-facing position for both baby and parent. Plus it’s got some little handy extras. With multiple strap configurations, it’s more adjustable and suits a wide range of adults so it’s a great option if you’re swapping your carrier between two parents. It’s our most popular carrier for these reasons!
The BabyBjorn One and the BabyBjorn Harmony are very easy for many parents to use without any extra help, so it’s great for nervous carrier users or if you don’t carry them very often.
It’s less adjustable and so offers fewer ergonomic carrying positions and isn’t as practical if shared between both parents. This is a good option to consider for dads who mostly carry at the weekends. If you prefer a more streamlined look then the Baby Bjorn One may catch your attention.
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