Unveiling the True Self | Guided Meditation | Nonduality Spirituality and Awakening

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Guided into nondual awareness and silence. Join me for a 33 minutes meditation on YouTube. No previous experience necessary, suitable for everybody.
Reduce stress, anxiety and find your innate inner peace.

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Besides talking and writing about Non-Duality I am also an artist. Painting with mostly acrylics, but sometimes also with mixed media, on canvas and paper.

#meditation #stillness #truth #spirituality #advaita #mindfullness #awakening #enlightenment #nonduality #spirituality #liberation #whatis #unconditionallove #endofseeking #endofsuffering #timeless #boundlessenergy #endofseparation #freedom #enlightenment #awakening #nondualism #nondual #nodoer #nofreewill #noself #oneness #nofear #endgame #whocares #purelife #purelove #adyashanti #ramanamaharshi #nisargadattamaharaj #neoadvaita #vedanta #mooji #advaitavedanta #papaji #krishnamurti #tonyparsons #eckharttolle #alanwatts #rupertspira
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At first I found myself daydreaming about thoughts and plans, and then I fell asleep from boredom and then I totally vegged out. I didnt notice a true self, at least I didnt see any difference between my false self and the observing true self. Realizing the true self seems reserved for those who have become the masters of their own minds, and its obviously not for those who have addled minds. How many decades of intense, continuous practice does it take to tame a extremely mal-conditioned mind?
