The Significance of the Coming El Niño: Understanding the Science and Preparing for its Impacts
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Evidence is mounting of a significant El Niño developing this summer. A weather phenomenon that begins in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, El Niño is known for its far reaching—and sometimes severe—effects across the globe, including record-breaking temperatures, drought, flooding, and increased hurricane activity. In addition to potentially pushing global temperature increases over the 1.5 degree Celsius warming limit agreed to in the Paris Agreement, El Niño is likely to impact agricultural yields, disrupt fisheries, cause significant damage to infrastructure, and affect energy production and distribution. With ocean temperatures already at an all-time high, the effects of the coming El Niño could be particularly devastating for sea ice in the Antarctic region, further compounding its effects around the world.
Join us for a panel discussion with experts to explore the disruptive potential of the coming El Niño and what countries and communities can do to prepare and reduce the potential impacts of this weather phenomenon.
Join us for a panel discussion with experts to explore the disruptive potential of the coming El Niño and what countries and communities can do to prepare and reduce the potential impacts of this weather phenomenon.