Glossika Review (Fluent Or Not?)

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I used Glossika German. I am up to 300+ hours and 100, 000 reps. I have learnt German for 6 months in Germany with daily intensive courses from A1 to B2 at goethes (4 hours per day) and did C1 at another school with private lessons daily after Goethes for 2 hours per day and Italki 300 hours at around 2 hours per day and sometimes 3 on weekends. This plus LingQ all 60 stories done twice, hundreds of youtube videos. I think I did about 2000 horus in 6 months. I can say that I speak super fluently. Yes with mistakes here and there. Usually the simple kindergarten mistakes (endings) but my accent is excellent as what I am told and many people think I have lived in Germany for 10 years. I have spoken to many teachers and they all said my spoken fluency is C1. Writing is non existant and reading is okay. Listening is good. I would say glossika helps drill in all the A1, A2, B1 vocab which is critical to speak fluently. All the B2 and C1 vocab is seldomly used in real life and so I highly recommend Glossika. But I do this 2 hours on average. Boring as hell. But I break it up into 3 parts per day. 100 new and 300-400 review reps per day. So about 400-500 reps per day. Some days I do more or less. I have no problems instantly finding words in my head with correct word order.


Man is not a native English speaker and speaks better then most American's that I speak to.


Awesome review. I have been looking into Glossika and your views matched what I thought. I think I've got the self discipline to push through to the end of it all, so I'm hoping it's going to be the catalyst I need to reach a much higher level of Japanese (N4 at the moment). Thank you!


I'm learning thai I'm about 12 hours in on glossika. Living in thailand and can make it through alot of daily interactions. Glossika works very well once you have already gotten off the starting block in a language, so basically you want to be able to read a tiny bit already.


First time I hear a Frenchman speak English without detecting his origins!


B1 English here and I'm looking for an app to improve my speaking skills and take me further cuz I'm moving to NZ soon.


I'm debating id I should purchase Rosetta Stone or Glossier, What do you guys recommend ?


What stops one from using the 7 day trial to simply copy all the cards for a language down into anki? >:)


The Belarusian course is an absolute fake. It looks like a Google translation from Russian with many mistakes, but not as Belarusian. They have mistakes even in the Belarusian introductory page. People wrote to them, no reaction.


Your picture at the corner is a big distraction, would have been better to see the entire screen.
