Webinar: Changing Our Ways? Behaviour change and the climate crisis

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This is the recording of the launch event of the report of the Cambridge Sustainability Commission on Scaling Behaviour Change, which took place on Tuesday 13th April 2021, 16:00-17:30 CET.

The agenda for the event is as follows:

- Opening remarks from Professor Johan Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Professor in Earth System Science, University of Potsdam
- Brief outline of the key findings from the Cambridge Sustainability Commission on Scaling Behaviour Change by lead author Professor Peter Newell, University of Sussex
- Panel discussion between Cambridge Sustainability Commissioners chaired by Andrew Simms of the Rapid Transition Alliance and New Weather Institute with Dr. Manisha Anantharaman, Saint Mary's College of California; Dr. Stuart Capstick, University of Cardiff; Professor Juliet Schor, Boston College; Dr. Lewis Akenji, Hot or Cool Institute
- Audience Q&A with panellists

Unfortunately, the video recording cuts before lead author Professor Peter Newell thanked all the Commissioners for their work, the KR Foundation, Cambridge and all the attendees for engaging so willingly during the event.
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Okay, I understand that, this whole "movement" is extremely complicated and difficult. I am going to throw a few things out here, that ... well, seem to be missing. ( Please do not take offense at my capitalization... I am not yelling ... it is just as if I were talking and then emphasizing certain word or short why are we trying so little?... I know, your jaw dropped, but now it will even more. I propose, we STOP DOING some major actual ACTIVITIES that are done on a mass scale... LIKE PROFESSIONAL SPORTS. Let me lay this out.... first, you have the superrich, flying 1500 PRIVATE JETS... to ONE SUPER BOWL, 2019... When I first heard about this activity, it was about 2012... the number was around 1200... and then there are the commercial flights for the game, the pick ups for tail gating... THEN, one has to consider the electricity for the STADIUM... AND all the concession stand food, and containers, cups etc... then, there is the flying of the butts of the athletes all over kingdom come... there must be more co2 producing activity to do with it alll.... yes... making of the uniforms... there ya' go.... ...OKAY, that is ONE THING...there are others, car racing, soccer, tennis ... all of it....PROFESSIONAL SPORTS IN GENERAL MUST GO.... NEXT... I would go for the entertainment business... like DISNEY... and all the similar institutions... why can't people find ENJOYMENT and FUN in places closer to home, and not some SUPERFICIAL PLAY STATION... NEXT... MAKE UP INDUSTRY... woman should learn to GO WITH OUT IT.... can you just imagine how much co2 we would save if we stopped this industry/the beauty industry I mean... and along with that...NEXT THE FASHION INDUSTRY... we truly do NOT need so many damn clothes... I have been buying second hand for my whole life.. yes, I have bought a few things new at times... ( like of course my underwear). However, we all know how destructive the textile industry is... OF COURSE, those who are in poorer nations with populations that have not had the opportunity to build a closet full of shoes.. and clothes ... should be allowed to collect a bit more.. but overall, really, aren't we so excessive in this area? .... NEXT... LAWN ORNAMENTS.. this is just one example of the frivolous "decorating industry" if you want to call it... the manufacture of ridiculous co2 producing crap.... when manufactured... and the use of raw materials to do so.... like take SHARK TANK... they come up with GADGETS just to MAKE MONEY??? ... come one... this is out of control ... it is ridiculous... Now... I am a substitute teacher in a rural area of N.Y. State... not only the kids, are clueless... but the TEACHERS ARE SO RIGHT WING and apathetic... I brought up climate change... to a few ...GAVE GEM'S PAPER TO TWO ... one history teacher and one SCIENCE TEACHER.... from NOVEMBER till the end of the year... and NEITHER of them read it... or ever discussed any of it with me.... I put the Rolling Stones article " America's Radioactive Secret" on the teacher's lounge table and found it in the garbage.. ... "'(I put it back on the table).... I was discussing some issues with one of the math teachers one day.... He said he DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE MINIMUM WAGE.... I was so astounded I couldn't even finish the conversation.... SO, my point in this is.... We have WAY too much to tackle... All of the ACTIONS I proposed, would reduce emissions DRACSTICALLY and of course, there could be much more to get rid of... that is just a short list... OH... so that would reduce income... because many people would be out of jobs... BUT the governments could hand out small tracks of land for those WHO WANT TO ... (some would.)... to do SUBSITANCE FARMING... no or almost no tractors... maybe small lawn tractors... etc... and then also, there could be MORE COTTAGE INDUSTRY... yes.. ... OKAY, I am just some woman.. 63 years old... but you see, WE HAVE NO TIME LEFT... we really do not ... IF ...if, if ... we could DO those things above... emissions would fall immediately ... and OF COURSE we would have to figure out ECONOMIC stuff... but that is not for me to do... I just think that if our HOUSE IS ON FIRE... stop sitting at the mirror putting make up on... AND no you cannot fly to the damn SUPER BOWL.... okay one last point... CONFLICT... so, even with YOUR SUGGESTED ACTIONS... (all of you)... there is eventually going to be CONFLICT AND RESISTANCE AND PUSH BACK... VIOLENCE.. I hear this every day... I am SOOOO SAD... that the area I grew up in is back ward... and so IGNORANT... I left at 17 ... lIved in the Long Island area for 18 years... and moved back in 2000 I have a college education... but many I know here, and who I am related to DO NOT... they DO NOT READ. So, educating folks on the SERIOUSNESS of all this... is LIKE TALKING TO A BRICK I still do it... ( I do not say anything about taking away football.... just try to explain the .. .wow... I just think that this is one of the biggest hurdles ... we cannot make any progress if SO MANY are IGNORANT OF THE NECESSITY.... so, there would have to be ... TOP DOWN LAWS...THAT WOULD TAKE AWAY those things I mentioned... OKAY, I know I sound crazy ... but I see NO WAY to really fix any of this... AND... aren't we at about 1.3 C now?... there is already 1-2 C baked in... the reason I STILL try to educate...is to help reduce the CONFLICT that will result eventually, as food gets so much more expensive along with energy ... and... there are so many more storms, etc... and NO HELP ....and well, too many people thing it is HAARP... get it?... I have a small library of info... at my home... hoping that I can bring understanding in my area... I am probably delusional... Thanks for trying... I hope my point gets across though about all the frivolous parts of our civilization and how if we are sooo worried about killing the planet, why are we still dong those? I know there is going to be rebellion against any measures that are serious but, ... I just think TIME IS A FACTOR.
