Setting up the new ORX metal detector for the first time

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Received my coin ring I won thank you so much Stephen it's lovely thank you so much can't wait to see your new detector at work thank you again 🇬🇧👏🏻💯💯👏🏻🇬🇧


You must have heard my jaw hit the floor when I heard you announce the ring winner ! Made my day 😃 thank you, am very interested to see how the new detector performs


I have an orx and am well pleased with it, had it about 6 week and it just seems to hoover coins up. Best find up to now is a spill of 7 silver coins, mostly George 3rd 10 inches down the beauty of the machine, using factory settings, Coin Fast is the standard setting. If you get a faint signal that won't resolve on the VDI, switch it to Coin Deep and get another couple of inches. all programmes are adjustable. It isn't complicated and is as light as a feather.


This is going to be interesting, looking foward to seeing how you get on with it 👍👍👍


Awesome machine thank you for sharing!


I live in interior region of British Columbia Canada. There isn't a great deal of history here like what you have in England. First contact here occurred in the early 1800's and there were no wars or large settlements before that time. However this is gold country. For many years I have been detecting with a Whites MXT with fairly good success, however I have just ordered an XP ORX and am very excited about getting a new current 21st century detector. Thanks for the reviews.


Hey Stephen, love the video. You helped me on deciding on getting the Orx. Thanks


Thank's very much for the information, great vid, can't wait to see what results you get. Good luck 🤘


Congratulations Steve. Good information and presentation. Looking forward to seeing you use the new detector on the sites you have hunted many times in the past. Best of luck.


You will get a lot of finds with that HF coil, Right on man.


Good luck with new detector and look forward to seeing pendant casting. Think you said cuttlefish casting very interesting.


My ORX arrived yesterday. Can't wait to get it out. Ground still frozen here. Anyway, hope u enjoy yours, and I look forward to video of you and ORX in the field. HH


You will love the HF coil... I've not used my standard black coil since I got the HF Elliptical one 👌😎👍


Hey Steven ! I do believe that is a good idea.l have used my first detector, you know " the intro" model everyone has in their closet, on sights that l have swung and have found cool stuff l missed with my advanced stick.Oh yeah brother fun is around the corner.Thanks, take care


Good luck with the DEUS Srephen . I just bought one also.


Quick question re the Orx white coil - is there a switch between battery and coil? If not, as soon as the plug is in, the battery will be discharging. It looks to be a bit fiddly for field assembly, especially if it is raining!


YES YOU GOT AN ORX Stephen what a result. Was dreading you getting a plastic Nokta or Makro machine lol. The ORX is awesome and really hope to use it myself very soon. Ooh that Silver Flint Arrow is very kool indeed.

LittleJohn_MD 🇬🇧


It will be very interesting to see how you get on .Especially seeing the difference between the x35 coil and the HF White coil.Hope it does not take too long to get to grips with the Orx control box.


Oh. .. by the way I watched your coin making videos, your tools and machines you use, and even the powder coating one. With this being said my occupation all my life has been painting. I even worked as a union painter and had opportunities to do the powder coating but never have. But I have does electrostatic painting which is quite interesting in itself. I really enjoy watching your videos and the handiwork you do. Good luck again on your next hunt with the o r x


Nice Job with the Review. 👍 I Ordered a Shirt Also. Hope the Weather Cooperates for You Tomorrow. Good Luck and Happy Hunting! Gregg
